Sebanyak 11 item atau buku ditemukan

New Directions in Rough Sets, Data Mining, and Granular-Soft Computing

7th International Workshop, RSFDGrC'99, Yamaguchi, Japan, November 9-11, 1999 Proceedings

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular-Soft Computing, RSFDGrC'99, held in Yamaguchi, Japan, in November 1999. The 45 revised regular papers and 15 revised short papers presented together with four invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. The book is divided into sections on rough computing: foundations and applications, rough set theory and applications, fuzzy set theory and applications, nonclassical logic and approximate reasoning, information granulation and granular computing, data mining and knowledge discovery, machine learning, and intelligent agents and systems.

When people try to communicate their concepts with words, the difference in the
meaning and usage of words can lead to misunderstanding in communication,
which can hinder their collaboration. In our approach each granule of knowledge

Kamus Jepang-Indonesia Indonesia-Jepang

Untuk Pelajar, Mahasiswa & Umum

Kamus terbitan penerbit IndonesiaTera ini dilengkapi dengan: Satuan Bunyi Bahasa Jepang; Daftar Huruf Hiragana & Perubahannya; Daftar Huruf Katakana & Perubahannya; Cara Pelafalan Bahasa Jepang; Ribuan entri yang disertai dengan huruf Hiragana, Katakan, Kanji, & pelafalannya, beserta arti kata; Contoh pemakaian kata dalam kalimat. -Indonesia Tera-

Pikaso no, ( ,) lukisan buatan Pikaso. , oegaku (, ) melukis; menggambar. , o
narau (, ) belajar melukis ē ( ): ya; iya. , nandesu ka (, ) Ya, adaapa? ea ( ): udara.
,kon (, )alat pengatur udara; pengatur suhu ruangan; AC e-banashi (): cerita
bergambar ebi (): udang ebi-cha ( ): ,iro (,) merah hati; merah maron echiketto ( ):
sopan santun; kesopanan; tata susila; etiket. Shakō‒jōno ( ,)etiket pergaulan;
sopan santun dalam pergaulan eda (): cabang. Ko, (,) ranting. Ō, (,) dahan e-fude
(): kuas; ...

Data Mining

Next Generation Challenges and Future Directions

A state-of-the-art survey of recent advances in data mining or knowledge discovery.

A state-of-the-art survey of recent advances in data mining or knowledge discovery.

Building Strong Congregations

Attracting, Serving, and Developing Your Membership

You probably have a fairly good idea of what it took to construct the building in which your congregation meets. First, there was a recognized need for a building, followed by a budget, blueprints, fund-raising, construction workers, and building materials, and voil! The structure proudly stands as a monument to the effective implementation of a well-thought-out plan.

You probably have a fairly good idea of what it took to construct the building in which your congregation meets.

Total Quality Management, (Revised Edition)

In 1950, he taught statistical process control and the importance of quality to the
leading CEOs of Japanese industry. He is credited with providing the foundation
for the Japanese quality miracle and resurgence as an economic power. Deming

VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell

A Desktop Quick Reference

Serving as both a fast-paced tutorial and a reference, this guide meets the needs of two primary audiences--programmers who want a quick introduction to using the BCL, and those who want a reference in book form.

Serving as both a fast-paced tutorial and a reference, this guide meets the needs of two primary audiences--programmers who want a quick introduction to using the BCL, and those who want a reference in book form.

Manajemen pembangunan daerah dalam rangka menunjang pelaksanaan otonomi daerah tingkat II.

Ijin/Pendaftaran Pergudangan/Ruang Pelaksanaan UU Nomor 11 tahun 1965 ini
perlu diatur dan diserahkan pengelolaannya kepada Dati E; 4) Wajib Daftar
Perusahaan Pelaksanaan UU Nomor 3 tahun 1982 perlu diserahkan kepada
Daerah Tigkat n; 5). Penerimaan peristiwa nikah/rujuk Retribusi ini cukup
poteusila d?n selama ini masih dikelola Kantor Departemen Agama. 2. Sumber
Pendapatan Dati I a. Pajak : 1). Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) berdasarkan
PP Nomor 3 ...

4-manifolds and Kirby Calculus

Since the early 1980s, there has been an explosive growth in 4-manifold theory, particularly due to the influx of interest and ideas from gauge theory and algebraic geometry. This book offers an exposition of the subject from the topological point of view. It bridges the gap to other disciplines and presents classical but important topological techniques that have not previously appeared in the literature. Part I of the text presents the basics of the theory at the second-year graduate level and offers an overview of current research. Part II is devoted to an exposition of Kirby calculus, or handlebody theory on 4-manifolds. It is both elementary and comprehensive. Part III offers in-depth treatments of a broad range of topics from current 4-manifold research. Topics include branched coverings and the geography of complex surfaces, elliptic and Lefschetz fibrations, $h$-cobordisms, symplectic 4-manifolds, and Stein surfaces. The authors present many important applications. The text is supplemented with over 300 illustrations and numerous exercises, with solutions given in the book. I greatly recommend this wonderful book to any researcher in 4-manifold topology for the novel ideas, techniques, constructions, and computations on the topic, presented in a very fascinating way. I think really that every student, mathematician, and researcher interested in 4-manifold topology, should own a copy of this beautiful book. --Zentralblatt MATH This book gives an excellent introduction into the theory of 4-manifolds and can be strongly recommended to beginners in this field ... carefully and clearly written; the authors have evidently paid great attention to the presentation of the material ... contains many really pretty and interesting examples and a great number of exercises; the final chapter is then devoted to solutions of some of these ... this type of presentation makes the subject more attractive and its study easier. --European Mathematical Society Newsletter

This book offers an exposition of the subject from the topological point of view. It bridges the gap to other disciplines and presents classical but important topological techniques that have not previously appeared in the literature.