Sebanyak 7 item atau buku ditemukan

Artificial Intelligence: Mengupas Rekayasa Kecerdasan Tiruan

Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

15th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2011, Shenzhen, China, May 24-27, 2011, Proceedings

The two-volume set LNAI 6634 and 6635 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2011, held in Shenzhen, China in May 2011. The total of 32 revised full papers and 58 revised short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 331 submissions. The papers present new ideas, original research results, and practical development experiences from all KDD-related areas including data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence and pattern recognition, data warehousing and databases, statistics, knoweldge engineering, behavior sciences, visualization, and emerging areas such as social network analysis.

The two-volume set LNAI 6634 and 6635 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2011, held in Shenzhen, China in May 2011.

Perahu Kertas

Namanya Kugy. Mungil, pengkhayal, dan berantakan. Dari benaknya, mengalir untaian dongeng indah. Keenan belum pernah bertemu manusia seaneh itu .... Namanya Keenan. Cerdas, artistik, dan penuh kejutan. Dari tangannya, mewujud lukisan-lukisan magis. Kugy belum pernah bertemu manusia seajaib itu .... Dan kini mereka berhadapan di antara hamparan misteri dan rintangan. Akankah dongeng dan lukisan itu bersatu? Akankah hati dan impian mereka bertemu?

KASIH... Dari semua buku yang sudah saya terbitkan, harus saya akui bahwa
Perahu Kertas memiliki kedekatan ekstra dibandingkan yang lainnya. Ia bersama
saya sejak 1996, sejak saya masih duduk di bangku kuliah. Kisah ini pun sudah

Pengembangan kualitas SDM dari perspektif PIO

Improvement of human resources quality in Indonesia from psychological perspectives; collection of articles.

Improvement of human resources quality in Indonesia from psychological perspectives; collection of articles.

Annales ecclesiastici ex tomis octo ad vnum pluribus auctum redacti auctore Odorico Raynaldo Taruisino congregationis Oratorij presbytero

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legatugl, ne ita {шашист human'um fundi parel-,etui а, тйГсгйсогфдшчцейппсащ
çç imatam Beeleäae {страус iuglic. ' ‚ 45 Gregorius ‚ др. Praremirarçm gnam.