Sebanyak 5 item atau buku ditemukan

La perception du milieu naturel à travers la littérature orale Touarègue Kel Aïr du Niger

Le champ notionnel et polysémique de l’espace faisant l’objet d’un intérêt de plus en plus vif, se trouve analysé selon des points de vue disciplinaire multiples captivant à la fois la géographie, l’architecture aussi bien l’urbanisme, la philosophie, le cinema, les médias, l’anthropologie et la littérature. Dans un contexte littéraire et sociolinguistique, cette étude décrit dans une perspective pragmatique, textuelle et contextuelle, la perception de l’environnement ainsi que les éléments du milieu naturels vus par la tradition orale dans le complexe écologique de la réserve naturelle nationale de l’Aïr-Ténéré. Dans un système écologique, la mémoire collective est un discours incontournable pour la compréhension des interactions entre les différentes espèces naturelles qui y vivent. Mais les différentes formes orales restent souvent méconnues. La présente recherche ambitionne de combler cette lacune. Pour une question de commodité, elle comporte les conceptions de l’espace découlant des genres traditionnels sémantiques de la mémoire collective de Kel Tamasheq de l’Aïr au Nord Niger, dont les énoncés sont représentés en typologie, en style sémiotique et en symboles.

... sont déterminées dans 6 dogmes qui consistent à croire en : l'unicité de Dieu, aux Anges, aux Livres révélés, aux Envoyés le nabi l'« envoyé » le rasûl l'« envoyé-messager », au jour dernier, et en la Prédestination (Qadar).

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET


Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: RELOADED teaches students how to create programs in Visual Basic .NET in a new, more challenging style. Users will find a clean presentation of the material, uninterrupted by opening cases, step sections, or separate lessons within a chapter. The highly visual color interior clearly illustrates concepts and features such as GUI Design Tips and How To boxes. A complete programming example at the end of each chapter allows students to see the concepts they have learned and how they are applied. Quick Reviews and Key Terms at the end of each chapter, as well as a Glossary at the end of the book, provide easy reference for important concepts and terms.

Quick Reviews and Key Terms at the end of each chapter, as well as a Glossary at the end of the book, provide easy reference for important concepts and terms.

Simulation in Computer Network Design and Modeling: Use and Analysis

Use and Analysis

"This book reviews methodologies in computer network simulation and modeling, illustrates the benefits of simulation in computer networks design, modeling, and analysis, and identifies the main issues that face efficient and effective computer network simulation"--Provided by publisher.

Model. for. Vertical. Handoff. Algorithms. Alexander Garcia D.
UniversidadAutonoma de Occidente, Colombia Lina ... The design of the new
evaluation model is based on the multi-criteria evaluation methodology and
criticality analysis, which ...

Creative Collection, Black and White, Close-Ups, and Night

Nurture your creativity with this three-part e-book collection Harold Davis, a well-known photographer whose work is widely displayed and collected, has shared his techniques on black-and-white, close-up, and nighttime photography in three beautifully illustrated guides. This Creative Collection presents all three in e-book format, offering insight and inspiration to photographers. Davis explains the challenges of these three photographic genres and shows you how to take creative control. His spectacular images are used to illustrate the techniques, making the collection a visual delight. Close-up, nighttime, and black-and-white photography all pose unique challenges to the photographer; this e-book collection teaches you how to take creative control and produce outstanding images in all three genres Includes e-book versions of Creative Black and White, Creative Night, and Creative Close-Ups Author Harold Davis is a renowned photographer whose images are used to illustrate the techniques discussed Covers the basic rules of black-and-white photography, ideal camera settings for nighttime exposure, advice on equipment for close-up shooting, and pages of field-tested techniques to help you master all three The Creative Collection, Volume 1 offers both instruction and inspiration to photographers interested in improving their skills with black-and-white, close-up, and nighttime photography.

Automated HDR uses automatic software to do this compositing. Photoshop
provides an automated HDR feature, but the best software for the job is
Photomatix, explained in this section. Color images created with Photomatix HDR
can look ...

Adobe Photoshop 7.0

Showcases the computer graphics program's updated features while demonstrating fundamental and advanced Photoshop concepts and displaying professionally designed projects.

Showcases the computer graphics program's updated features while demonstrating fundamental and advanced Photoshop concepts and displaying professionally designed projects.