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Thinking and the Structure of the World / Das Denken und die Struktur der Welt

Hector-Neri Castañeda's epistemic Ontology presented and criticized / Hector-Neri Castañeda's epistemische Ontologie in Darstellung und Kritik

HECTOR—NERI CASTAEIEDA Introduction Hans Ineichen's “Eigennamen.
Einige Bemerkungen zu Castafiedas ,Restricted Variable View'” is an enjoyable
essay. It brings forward new data about proper names, and demarcates his topic
very ...

The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: When clowns make laws for queens, 1880-1887

At the opening of this volume, suffragists hoped to speed passage of a sixteenth amendment to the Constitution through the creation of Select Committees on Woman Suffrage in Congress. Congress did not vote on the amendment until January 1887. Then, in a matter of a week, suffragists were dealt two major blows: the Senate defeated the amendment and the Senate and House reached agreement on the Edmunds-Tucker Act, disenfranchising all women in the Territory of Utah.

See also Paris Francis, John, 125, 125n Franklin, Mich.: suffragists in, 157
Frederick II (king of Prussia), 233, 235n Frederick William I (king of Prussia), 233,
235n free love, 156, 159n Free Religious Association, 93; ecs addresses, 72–85
free ...

Total Quality Management

Three Levels of Quality3 Viewing an organization from three levels helps clarify
the roles and responsibilities of all employees in pursuing quality. Total quality
management rests on the foundation of the total involvement of all the employees