Sebanyak 9 item atau buku ditemukan

Hukum Kredit dan Bank Garansi

 Pokok-pokok pikiran yang tertuang dalam buku ini, tidak lain adalah upaya penulis untuk ikut serta dalam mengisi pembangunan yang berwawasan lingkungan. Pembangunan dan lingkungan hidup acapkali dipandang sebagai dua hal yang kontradiktif. Pandangan tersebut merupakan salah satu alasan penulis dalam menyusun buku ini, dengan pertanyaan: "Mengapa kedua hal tersebut dipandang kontradiktif?" Alasan lain adalah, adanya aturan hak dan kewajiban setiap orang untuk berperan serta dalam rangka pengelolaan lingkungan hidup, sebagaimana disebutkan Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 1997 tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (UUPLH). Alasan yang lebih spesifik lagi adalah adanya opini mengenai kurangnya perhatian bank terhadap lingkungan hidup, khususnya dalam pertimbangan setiap pemberian kreditnya. Tentunya terhadap jenis kredit dan sektor ekonomi yang wajib AMDAL/ANDAL.

 Pokok-pokok pikiran yang tertuang dalam buku ini, tidak lain adalah upaya penulis untuk ikut serta dalam mengisi pembangunan yang berwawasan lingkungan.

Concise Visual Basic 6.0 Course

Visual Basic for Beginners

Parents will discover the basic knowledge of teachers applied to assisting parents into being "good" teachers as parents. Knowledge utilized every day by teachers is transformed into a parenting tool that is essential and wonderfully easy to acquire. Parents will finally have the basic understanding to assist them in teaching their own children and the vocabulary necessary to discuss with teachers their child's needs. Written by a teacher who is also a business woman, Teaching Parents... stretches into real world lessons and life skills adults may not have acquired in school. It is formal cognitive thinking at the highest level.

Parents will discover the basic knowledge of teachers applied to assisting parents into being "good" teachers as parents.

Adobe Photoshop Cs in 10 Simple Steps Or Less

Provides step-by-step instructions for over 250 Photoshop tasks, with solutions in ten steps or less, covering such topics as color, selections, channels and masks, layers, type, filters, and automations.

Provides step-by-step instructions for over 250 Photoshop tasks, with solutions in ten steps or less, covering such topics as color, selections, channels and masks, layers, type, filters, and automations.

An Introduction to Computer Networking

CD-ROM contains: Example programs and files -- Demonstration version of LanExplorer.

Real-world examples, troubleshooting techniques, and the social aspects of networking are presented. A CD containing LanExplorer(R), a protocol analyzer, and other useful network applications and files is packaged with the book.

Basic System Analysis

RICjC, +C2C3 +CjC3] -[C1+C3] R[C1C2 +C2C3 +C1C3]J LA2J LR[ClC2 +C2C3
+C1C3U RfCjCj +C2C3 H-C^Cg] (C1+C3) u Example 5.22 : Write the state
equations for the network Basic System Analysis State Variable Analysis 5-81. + .

C Projects

This Book Gives You A Better Reason To Eye Such Sleek Software With Confidence. The First Book Of Its Kind, C Projects Is A Veritable Treasure For All Those Who Have A Working Knowledge Of C, And An Incentive To Learn C For Those Who Haven'T. It Puts The Unbounded Potential Of C To Work In A Wide Range Of Software's. C Projects Gives You More Than 16000 Lines Of C Source Code. And That'S A Lot Of Code! No Longer Are These Software'S Out Of Reach; You Can Now Enter The Fascinating World Of Creating Professional Level Software's, And Greet The Arrival Of Any New Package With The Wisdom Of One Who Knows!

This Book Gives You A Better Reason To Eye Such Sleek Software With Confidence.