Sebanyak 9 item atau buku ditemukan

Software Engineering at Google

Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time

Today, software engineers need to know not only how to program effectively but also how to develop proper engineering practices to make their codebase sustainable and healthy. This book emphasizes this difference between programming and software engineering. How can software engineers manage a living codebase that evolves and responds to changing requirements and demands over the length of its life? Based on their experience at Google, software engineers Titus Winters and Hyrum Wright, along with technical writer Tom Manshreck, present a candid and insightful look at how some of the world’s leading practitioners construct and maintain software. This book covers Google’s unique engineering culture, processes, and tools and how these aspects contribute to the effectiveness of an engineering organization. You’ll explore three fundamental principles that software organizations should keep in mind when designing, architecting, writing, and maintaining code: How time affects the sustainability of software and how to make your code resilient over time How scale affects the viability of software practices within an engineering organization What trade-offs a typical engineer needs to make when evaluating design and development decisions

This book emphasizes this difference between programming and software engineering. How can software engineers manage a living codebase that evolves and responds to changing requirements and demands over the length of its life?

The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy

The economic analysis of the digital economy has been a rapidly developing research area for more than a decade. Through authoritative examination by leading scholars, this Handbook takes a closer look at particular industries, business practices, and policy issues associated with the digital industry. The volume offers an up-to-date account of key topics, discusses open questions, and provides guidance for future research. It offers a blend of theoretical and empirical works that are central to understanding the digital economy. The chapters are presented in four sections, corresponding with four broad themes: 1) infrastructure, standards, and platforms; 2) the transformation of selling, encompassing both the transformation of traditional selling and new, widespread application of tools such as auctions; 3) user-generated content; and 4) threats in the new digital environment. The first section covers infrastructure, standards, and various platform industries that rely heavily on recent developments in electronic data storage and transmission, including software, video games, payment systems, mobile telecommunications, and B2B commerce. The second section takes account of the reduced costs of online retailing that threatens offline retailers, widespread availability of information as it affects pricing and advertising, digital technology as it allows the widespread employment of novel price and non-price strategies (bundling, price discrimination), and auctions, as well as better tar. The third section addresses the emergent phenomenon of user-generated content on the Internet, including the functioning of social networks and open source. Finally, the fourth section discusses threats arising from digitization and the Internet, namely digital piracy, privacy and internet security concerns.

The volume offers an up-to-date account of key topics, discusses open questions, and provides guidance for future research. It offers a blend of theoretical and empirical works that are central to understanding the digital economy.

Kamus ekonomi, uang, dan bank

Indonesian dictionary of economic, financial, and banking terms.

Management Information System (MIS, sistem informasi manajemen) - Sistem
manual atau berdasarkan komputer yang mentransformasikan data- data
menjadi informasi yang bermanfaat dalam mendukung pengambilan keputusan.
Managerial Finance (ilmu keuangan manajerial) - Cabang ilmu keuangan yang
memperhatikan kewajiban-kewajiban manajer keuangan dalam perusahaan.
Managing Underwriter (penanggung pengelola) - Perusahaan bank investasi
yang memimpin ...


Një libër analize për studentët e viteve I-II për degët e shkencave dhe inxhinjerive

The only Calculus book existent in Albanian language. Provides the basics for students of sciences and engineering and it is intended for three semesters.

15.1.1. Vëllimi. dhe. integrali. i. dyfishtë. Sikurse shqyrtuam integralin e funksionit
të një variabli në një segment [a, b], do të shqyrtojmë funksionin e dy variablave
në një zonë të R2. Do ta nisim duke pranuar se funksioni është i përkufizuar në ...