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Percikan Samudra Hikmah

Syarah Hikam Ibnu Atho'illah As-Sakandari

Karya tasawuf yang agung itu, jika dibaca dengan benar dan dengan segala kerendahan hati, dan apalagi jika dengan bimbingan Mursyid, akan bersifat seperti badai yang membuka pintu persepsi, kesadaran dan intuisi kita. Kekuatan transformatifnya mampu mengguncang arsitektur keyakinan kita, mengubah cara pandang kita, dan menguak berbagai lapisan dimensi yang melampaui batasan ruang dan waktu Ñdimensi yang lazim kita sebut dimensi kerohanian, yang gaib dan memuat misteri hikmah yang mencerahkan. Kekuatan transformatif inilah yang membuat banyak karya Sufi tak pernah aus oleh gesekan zaman, menjadi mata air inspirasi yang tiada habisnya, sehingga seakanakan kitab-kitab Tasawuf semacam itu menjadi semacam Òkarya abadi.Ó Dan pada akhirnya, semoga setelah membaca syarah yang elok ini, meminjam ungkapan seorang sastrawan besar, Òwe are not the same when we put down the the work as we were when we took it up.Ó --- Penerbit Kencana Prenadamedia Group

Kekuatan transformatif inilah yang membuat banyak karya Sufi tak pernah aus oleh gesekan zaman, menjadi mata air inspirasi yang tiada habisnya, sehingga seakanakan kitab-kitab Tasawuf semacam itu menjadi semacam Òkarya abadi.Ó Dan pada ...

Requirements Analysis and System Design

The development of an information system comprises three iterative and incremental phases: analysis, design and implementation. This book describes the methods and techniques used in the analysis and design phases.

The development of an information system comprises three iterative and incremental phases: analysis, design and implementation. This book describes the methods and techniques used in the analysis and design phases.

WordPress: The Missing Manual

Whether you’re a budding blogger or seasoned Web designer, WordPress is a brilliant tool for creating websites, once you know how to tap its impressive features. The latest edition of this jargon-free Missing Manual shows you how to use WordPress 3.9’s themes, widgets, plug-ins, and souped-up editing and multimedia tools to build just about any kind of site. The important stuff you need to know: Create your site. Get hands-on, A-to-Z instructions for building all types of websites, from classy blogs to professional-looking ecommerce sites. Add features. Choose from thousands of widgets and plug-ins to enhance your site’s ease of use, looks, and performance. Mix in multimedia. Add picture galleries, slideshows, video clips, music players, and podcasts to your pages. Attract an audience. Create automatic content feeds, sign up site subscribers, and help readers share your posts on social media. Fine-tune your content. Analyze site statistics to improve your content and reach, and to optimize your site for search engines. Go Mobile. Choose a theme that automatically reconfigures your site for mobile devices. Build a truly unique site. Learn how to customize WordPress themes to create a site that looks exactly the way you want it to.

The latest edition of this jargon-free Missing Manual shows you how to use WordPress 3.9’s themes, widgets, plug-ins, and souped-up editing and multimedia tools to build just about any kind of site.