Sebanyak 8 item atau buku ditemukan

Hukum Islam. kumpulan peraturan tentang hukum Islam di Indonesia

Dalam membicarakan hukum Islam dalam tata hukum nasional Pusat perhatian akan ditujukan pada kedudukan hukum Islam dalam sistem hukum nasional. Sistem hukum Indonesia, sebagai akibat dari perkembangan sejarahnya bersifat majemuk. Disebut demikian karena sampai sekarang di negara Republik Indonesia berlaku beberapa system hukum yang mempunyai corak dan susunan sendiri. Sistem hukum itu adalah sistem hukum adat, sistem hukum Islam dan sistem hukum Barat. Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMediaGroup

Lembaga ini beranggotakan para ahli hukum Islam (fukaha) dan ahli serta praktisi ekonomi, terutama sektor keuangan, baik bank maupun nonbank.43 Secara yuridis, Dewan Syariah Nasional diakui keberadaannya dalam Surat Keputusan Direksi ...

An English-Indonesian Dictionary

Although intended primarily for Indonesian users, the dictionary will be helpful to speakers of English who wish to know the Indonesian equivalent of an English word or phrase.

An English-Indonesian Dictionary is a comprehensive listing which attempts to
embody a high percentage of the most common words and phrases in American
English, with American orthography and pronunciation, along with the Indo-
nesian equivalent. Although this dictionary has been prepared primarily for the
use of Indonesians, various devices have been employed to assist in making it
useful to speakers of English who wish to find the Indonesian equivalent for an
English word ...

English-Indonesian Dictionary

This dictionary is a comprehensive listing which attempts to embody a high percentage of the most common words and phrases in American English, with American orthography and pronunciation, along with the Indonesian equivalent. Although this dictionary has been prepared primarily for the use of Indonesians, various devices have been employed to assist in making it useful to speakers of English who wish to find the Indonesian equivalent for an English word or phrase.

This dictionary is a comprehensive listing which attempts to embody a high percentage of the most common words and phrases in American English, with American orthography and pronunciation, along with the Indonesian equivalent.

Introduction to Total Quality

Quality Management for Production, Processing, and Services

This comprehensive, in-depth introduction to both the big picture and the specific details of total quality management uses a direct, straightforward approach to make the theories and principles of total-quality practical and useful in a real world setting.

This comprehensive, in-depth introduction to both the big picture and the specific details of total quality management uses a direct, straightforward approach to make the theories and principles of total-quality practical and useful in a ...

Majapahit 2

Bala Sanggrama

Suasana Kotaraja bagai api dalam sekam. Di balik sejuk semilirnya angin, tersembunyi bahaya yang mengancam, siap menerkam bersamaan ayunan tangan. Namun, hanya beberapa orang yang menangkap suasana itu. Sebagian lainnya telah kehilangan rasa curiga yang semula ada. Di tengah ketenangan yang melenakan, jejak-jejak mencurigakan berserakan di wilayah Singasari. Namun, benarkah pertanda aneh itu merupakan bagian dari bahasa sandi? Ketika dendam berbalas dendam, serangan yang datangnya bagaikan banjir bandang itu tak akan bisa terelakkan. Bala Sanggrama, sebuah epos tentang cikal bakal kerajaan besar Nusantara: Majapahit. Ditulis oleh penulis kawakan, novel ini adalah salah satu rekam sejarah sepenggal perjalanan bangsa ini. [Mizan, Bentang, Pustaka, Novel, Memoar, Sejarah, Indonesia]

Suasana Kotaraja bagai api dalam sekam.

An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking

ATM Networks, the Internet, and the Telephone Network

Taking a unique "engineering" approach that will help readers gain a grasp of not just how but also why networks work the way they do, this book includes the very latest network technology--including the first practical treatment of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). The CD-ROM contains an invaluable network simulator.

Taking a unique "engineering" approach that will help readers gain a grasp of not just how but also why networks work the way they do, this book includes the very latest network technology--including the first practical treatment of ...

Murach's Beginning Java with Netbeans

Want to learn Java? This beginning book brings an exciting, new approach to Java instruction that eases the learning curve and uses the NetBeans IDE to make you productive as quickly as possible. In fact, in just 22 chapters, you will grow from beginner to entry-level professional! Along the way, this book presents all of the critical skills that you need to move on to web or mobile development with Java. It presents object-oriented features like inheritance, interfaces, and polymorphism in a way that is both understandable and useful in the real world. It covers the most important features introduced in Java 8 such as lambda expressions and the new date / time API. It provides realistic sample applications that put these skills into context. It provides exercises that you can use to gain valuable hands-on experience. And it is all done in the distinctive Murach style that has been training professional programmers for over 40 years.

In fact, in just 22 chapters, you will grow from beginner to entry-level professional! Along the way, this book presents all of the critical skills that you need to move on to web or mobile development with Java.