Sebanyak 3 item atau buku ditemukan

Kamus singkatan dan akronim

baru dan lama

Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms.

pendidikan iman, Optatam Totius - OT; kerasulan awam, Apoatolicam Ac-
tuositatem - AA; karya misioner Gereja, Ad Gentes - AG; dan pelayanan dan
kehidupan para imam, Presbyterorum Ordinis - PO. Tiga deklarasi hasil konsili ini
mengenai pendidikan Kristen, ... seperti ini dilakukan dengan surat izin
penghunian. Lihat: SIP) VCO = voltage controlled oscillator (sebutan untuk
osilator terkemudi tegangan - istilah dalam elektronika) VCR = video cassette
recorder (sebutan untuk alat ...

Proceedings of the ... American Solar Energy Society Annual Conference

In accordance, state of the art energy simulation and PV electric simulation
software have been developed ... of advanced glazing (Rosenfeld, 1998), and a
measurement guide for photovoltaic testing developed by NREL (Myers, 1997).

Learning Windows Server 2003

Describes Windows Server 2003, including how to install it, how to create and manage user accounts, with particular attention to Active Directory, how to manage access to system resources such as printers and files, and how to configure and manage its many subsystems.

Describes Windows Server 2003, including how to install it, how to create and manage user accounts, with particular attention to Active Directory, how to manage access to system resources such as printers and files, and how to configure and ...