Sebanyak 48 item atau buku ditemukan

Computational Biomechanics of the Wrist Joint

This book presents an analysis of the stress distribution and contact stresses in severe rheumatoid wrist after total wrist arthroplasty. It assesses and compares the load transfer throughout the joint and contact pressure at the articulations. The data obtained from this study is of importance as this provide greater evidence to the benefits of total wrist arthroplasty in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Mohd Nazri Bajuri, Mohammed Rafiq Abdul Kadir. Mohd Nazri Bajuri Mohammed
Rafiq Abdul Kadir Computational Biomechanics of the Wrist Joint 123 Mohd
Nazri Bajuri Mohammed Rafiq Abdul Kadir Department of Biomechanics
Computational Biomechanics of the Wrist Joint.

Buku petundjuk membuat thesis, skripsi, book report, laporan

Buku wadjib bagi setiap mahasiswa, penting djuga dibatja oleh wartawan, kepala2 kantor/sekolah, sekretaris2 dll

The Harrow Atlas of Modern Geography

S- Am- 10 9 60 s9W G=1rd,t _ . . . ‚Малое 44 s 3 54 Спиннинг, р ‚ - . Sew- 54 s1
George, iss . . . . N.Am. 57 'о fio 30W p„__f„;,_,__„_¢ _ _ _ Ger. 46 4 Gaia, ...,_ д i,
_ _ . Scot. 56 56 5 gow,«1i, 1. . . . 11111' 45 4° 'О 40 Gates (N. C.). wy U- S-

Towards wellbeing: monitoring poverty in Malinau, Indonesia

Penduduk Indonesia: Hasil sensus penduduk tahun 2000 = Population of
Indonesia: results of the 2000 population census. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS),
Jakarta, Indonesia BPS 2004a. Data dan Informasi Kemiskinan Tahun 2003.
Buku 1 ...

Nota keuangan dan rancangan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia tentang perubahan atas Undang-Undang nomor 28 tahun 2003 tentang Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara Tahun Anggaran 2004

Financial notes and draft of a bill on amendment to Indonesian law concerning annual budget for fiscal year 2004.

Financial notes and draft of a bill on amendment to Indonesian law concerning annual budget for fiscal year 2004.

Laporan pengkajian tentang beberapa aspek hukum perjanjian keagenan dan distribusi

Aspects of agency and distributor contracts; provisions in Indonesian legislation; study.

Aspects of agency and distributor contracts; provisions in Indonesian legislation; study.

Resep-resep obat tradisional

Traditional remedies from Indonesian herbs.

Basil ini hidup subur pada kotoran manusia, dalam air selokan dalam makanan,
sebaliknya basil ini mudah mati kena panas. Gejalanya : — berak encer dan
muntah-muntah — wujud beraknya seperti air beras (susu kental) — kulit dingin
dan ...

Razvoj spletne aplikacije s pomočjo ogrodja CodeIgniter

diplomsko delo

V prvem delu diplomske naloge bom predstavil spletni programski jezik PHP, delo s podatkovno bazo MySql, ogrodje CodeIgniter in arhitekturni vzorec MVC programiranja. Teoretične razlage primerov bodo služile kot osnova za nadaljnje razumevanje tehnične zasnove razvoja lastne spletne aplikacije, ki jo bom predstavil v drugem delu diplomske naloge. Opisal bom pomembnejše dele spletne aplikacije za preprosto vodenje delovnih opravil % zahtevkov. Aplikacija sledi arhitekturnemu vzorcu MVC.

V prvem delu diplomske naloge bom predstavil spletni programski jezik PHP, delo s podatkovno bazo MySql, ogrodje CodeIgniter in arhitekturni vzorec MVC programiranja.