Sebanyak 54 item atau buku ditemukan

Dasar-dasar pembangunan integral berdasarkan Pancasila

... rangkian kaitan kegiatan masyarakat luas merupakan suatu yang sangat
penting. Yang dimaksud dengan barang-barang dan bahan-bahan tersebut
adalah bahan-bahan bangunan dan konstruksi, suku cadang, mesin-mesin, 29.

Using a GIS for Simulation, Modeling, and Analysis of Bobcat (Lynx Rufus) Habitat Utilization on Kiawah Island, South Carolina

Bobcats (Lynx rufus) are medium sized predators common throughout the continental US. Like many mammalian predators, bobcats have been subject to habitat fragmentation induced by human development. While the effects of fragmentation on bobcat behavior have been studied, few studies have focused on bobcats living within a suburban zone. Kiawah Island is a residential/resort barrier island in the lowcountry of South Carolina that is home to a healthy population of bobcats. In March of 2007, 5 bobcats (3 males, 2 females) were fitted with GPS collars. The bobcat's GPS locations were overlaid with land cover information, and a chi-square statistic was used to determine if particular habitats were selected over others during day and night time periods. Forested and scrub/shrub areas were always selected, and marsh areas were always avoided. Developed zones were avoided during the day, but selected at night. The habitat selection data was used to create a simulated dataset for the entire island, and a kernel density was applied to illustrate probability of occurrence. Bobcats were predicted most likely to occur in the eastern end of the island, and in the scrub/shrub areas behind a primary dune ridge. An additional additive model was applied to identify vacant parcels most conducive to conservation of bobcat habitat based on the size and distance of the parcel to preferential habitats. The ranked parcels were overlaid with the percent cover or preferential habitat to identify the parcels that could provide the most benefit for conservation.

Kiawah Island is a residential/resort barrier island in the lowcountry of South Carolina that is home to a healthy population of bobcats. In March of 2007, 5 bobcats (3 males, 2 females) were fitted with GPS collars.

Testing of Defense Systems in an Evolutionary Acquisition Environment

The Department of Defense (DoD) recently adopted evolutionary acquisition, a dynamic strategy for the development and acquisition of its defense systems. Evolutionary defense systems are planned, in advance, to be developed through several stages in a single procurement program. Each stage is planned to produce a viable system which could be fielded. The system requirements for each stage of development may be specified in advance of a given stage or may be decided at the outset of that stage's development. Due to the different stages that comprise an evolutionary system, there exists a need for careful reexamination of current testing and evaluation policies and processes, which were designed for single-stage developments. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD-AT&L) and the Director of Operational Testing and Evaluation (DOT&E) asked the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) of the National Academies to examine the key issues and implications for defense testing from the introduction of evolutionary acquisition. The CNSTAT was charged with planning and conducting a workshop to study test strategies for the evolutionary acquisition. The committee reviewed defense materials defining evolutionary acquisition and interviewed test officials from the three major test service agencies to understand the current approaches used in testing systems procured through evolutionary acquisition. The committee also examined possible alternatives to identify problems in implementation. At the workshop that took place on December 13-14, 2004, the committee tried to answer many questions including: What are the appropriate roles and objectives for testing in an evolutionary environment?, Can a systematic, disciplined process be developed for testing and evaluation in such a fluid and flexible environment?, and Is there adequate technical expertise within the acquisition community to fully exploit data gathered from previous stages to effectively combine information from various sources for test design and analysis?. Testing of Defense Systems in an Evolutionary Acquisition Environment provides the conclusions and recommendations of the CNSTAT following the workshop and its other investigations.

Oversight Committee for the Workshop on Testing for Dynamic Acquisition of
Defense Systems, Committee on ... As Art Koehler described in a presentation at
the workshop, a particular application of modeling and simulation that is ...
development is one area in which evolutionary acquisition is expected to play a
major role.

Miskonsepsi dalam Pelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar Tinjauan Kritis dari Sudut Ilmu Pengetahuan

Edisi 1

Materi tumbuhan yang diajarkan di SD salah satunya adalah sifat dan ciri tumbuhan. Guru ketika mengajarkan sifat dan ciri tumbuhan menjadi keliru ketika konsep itu dibawa kepada ranah klasifikasi tumbuhan. Secara rinci, miskonsepsi dapat merupakan pengertian yang tidak akurat tentang konsep, penggunaan konsep yang salah, klasifikasi contoh-contoh yang salah tentang penerapan konsep, pemaknaan konsep yang berbeda, kekacauan konsep-konsep yang berbeda, dan hubungan hierarkis konsep-konsep yang tidak benar. [Penervit Deepublish, Deepublish, Drs. Karma Iswasta Eka, M.Si.]

Salah satu contoh paling populer adalah yang oleh masyarakat disebut rumput
laut meskipun bukan termasuk golongan rumputrumputan. Di Inggris tidak
disebut sebagai sea grass (rumput laut) tapi sea weed (ganggang laut). Contoh
algae ...