Sebanyak 12 item atau buku ditemukan

Handbook of Public Budgeting

The Handbook is organized around two major themes: the budget process and budgeting fundamentals. Each chapter is a bibliographical treatise providing an in-depth overview of a major subfield of the disciple. The first section of the volume, on the budget process, presents background theories, histo

The Handbook is organized around two major themes: the budget process and budgeting fundamentals. Each chapter is a bibliographical treatise providing an in-depth overview of a major subfield of the disciple.


Kamus ini memuat ragam kosakata bahasa Jerman yang sering digunakan sehari-hari, baik oleh penutur asli, media cetak, dan media elektronik. Kelebihan kamus ini terletak pada kelengkapan entrinya, berikut klasifikasi jenis katanya. Adanya ringkasan tata bahasa Jerman menjadi pelengkap kamus ini, sehingga cocok untuk pelajar, mahasiswa, dan umum. Buku persembahan penerbit RuangKata

Kamus ini memuat ragam kosakata bahasa Jerman yang sering digunakan sehari-hari, baik oleh penutur asli, media cetak, dan media elektronik.

100% Soal Asli Ujian Nasional SMP/MTs Edisi Lengkap 20 Paket

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Ada 4 alasan kenapa kamu harus memiliki buku ini. 1. Berisi soal-soal ASLI Ujian Nasional 2013/2014 sebanyak 20 PAKET Di buku ini, kami memberikan full 20 paket soal asli Ujian Nasional 2013/2014. Di samping siswa mengetahui bentuk soal aslinya, siswa juga akan mengetahui dengan sendirinya pola soal yang sering muncul di Ujian Nasional. Selain itu, dengan semakin banyak paket soal, siswa akan semakin banyak berlatih dan terbiasa mengerjakan soal. 2. Ringkasan materi yang disusun berdasarkan KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL 2014/2015 Buku ini menyajikan ringkasan materi pelajaran yang di UN-kan. Susunan materinya disesuaikan dengan susunan yang ada di Kisi-kisi Ujian Nasional 2014/2015. Materi yang disajikan diringkas berdasarkan poin-poin penting yang muncul di Ujian Nasional. 3. Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan Soal-soal yang dibahas diambil dari soal-soal Ujian Nasional tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan gambaran soal yang sering muncul dan bagaimana cara membahasnya. 4. Soal-soal Pemantapan Soal pemantapan diberikan dengan tujuan untuk lebih memantapkan lagi pemahaman akan materi yang telah dipelajari. -Cmedia-

... Ujian Nasional Bahasa Indonesia | 201 20 Paket Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa
Inggris | 399 20 Paket Soal Ujian Nasional Matematika | 519 20 Paket Soal Ujian
Nasional Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam | 621 kunci jawaban Kunci Jawaban Ujian ...

The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Operant and Classical Conditioning

This combined survey of operant and classical conditioning provides professional and academic readers with an up-to-date, inclusive account of a core field of psychology research, with in-depth coverage of the basic theory, its applications, and current topics including behavioral economics. Provides comprehensive coverage of operant and classical conditioning, relevant fundamental theory, and applications including the latest techniques Features chapters by leading researchers, professionals, and academicians Reviews a range of core literature on conditioning Covers cutting-edge topics such as behavioral economics

The effects of real versus hypothetical reward on delay and probability
discounting. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,y 63,3 1072–
1084. Holt, D. D., Green, L., & Myerson, J. (2003). Is discounting impulsive?
Evidence from ...

Apache, MySQL, and PHP Web Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

* Covers the entire open source Web platform known as LAMP, which includes Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, the basis for many dynamic data-driven Web sites * Seven convenient minibooks provide easy reference on open source and team development, working with Linux and Apache, automating Web sites with Perl, developing front-end applications with Tcl/TK, creating dynamic Web pages with PHP, accessing Web databases with MySQL, and processing Web files with regular expressions * Includes valuable, hard-to-find coverage of collaboration, file sharing, and version control with CVS * PHP is running on over nine million sites, with an average increase of 6.5 percent monthly over the past two years; Apache Web servers handle seventy percent of Web content

Systems Analysis and Design

SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, TENTH EDITION offers a practical, visually appealing approach to information systems development. Throughout the book, real-world case studies emphasize critical thinking and IT skills in a dynamic, business-related environment. The new Tenth Edition will help prepare students for success in today’s intensely competitive business world. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

A doctor treats _{ TREATS Drawing an ERD a patient The first step is to list the
entities that you identified during the sys— tems analysis phase and to consider
the nature of the relationships that link them. At this stage, you can use a
simplified ...

An Introduction to Java Programming and Object-Oriented Application Development

This text covers what students need to know about basic Java programming in a clear, straight-forward writing style. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This text covers what students need to know about basic Java programming in a clear, straight-forward writing style.

Simulation modeling and analysis

This senior/graduate-level text is the classic text in its field and established itself as the authoritative source on the theory & practice of simulation over 15 years ago. It is used in most of the better schools of engineering and in some business programs as well.

This senior/graduate-level text is the classic text in its field and established itself as the authoritative source on the theory & practice of simulation over 15 years ago.