Sebanyak 8 item atau buku ditemukan

Handbook of Budgeting

No other management tool provides the operational direction that a well-planned budget can. Now in a new edition, this book provides updated coverage on issues such as budgeting for exempt organizations and nonprofits in light of the IRS' newly issued Form 990; what manufacturing CFOs' budgeting needs are; current technology solutions; and updated information on value-based budgets. Controllers, budget directors, and CFOs will benefit from this practical "how-to" book's coverage, from the initial planning process to forecasting to specific industry budgets.

Now in a new edition, this book provides updated coverage on issues such as budgeting for exempt organizations and nonprofits in light of the IRS' newly issued Form 990; what manufacturing CFOs' budgeting needs are; current technology ...

History of Oxford University Press: Volume IV

1970 to 2004

The story of Oxford University Press spans five centuries of printing and publishing. Beginning with the first presses set up in Oxford in the fifteenth century and the later establishment of a university printing house, it leads through the publication of bibles, scholarly works, and the Oxford English Dictionary, to a twentieth-century expansion that created the largest university press in the world, playing a part in research, education, and language learning in more than 50 countries. With access to extensive archives, the four-volume History of OUP traces the impact of long-term changes in printing technology and the business of publishing. It also considers the effects of wider trends in education, reading, and scholarship, in international trade and the spreading influence of the English language, and in cultural and social history - both in Oxford and through its presence around the world. In the decades after 1970 Oxford University Press met new challenges but also a period of unprecedented growth. In this concluding volume, Keith Robbins and 21 expert contributors assess OUP's changing structure, its academic mission, and its business operations through years of economic turbulence and continuous technological change. The Press repositioned itself after 1970: it brought its London Business to Oxford, closed its Printing House, and rapidly developed new publishing for English language teaching in regions far beyond its traditional markets. Yet in an increasingly competitive worldwide industry, OUP remained the department of a major British university, sharing its commitment to excellence in scholarship and education. The resulting opportunities and sometimes tensions are traced here through detailed consideration of OUP's business decisions, the vast range of its publications, and the dynamic role of its overseas offices. Concluding in 2004 with new forms of digital publishing, The History of OUP sheds new light on the cultural, educational, and business life of the English-speaking world in the late twentieth century.

Oxford Geography Project 165,376 Oxford Graded Arithmetic 373 Oxford Guide
to Classical Mythology in the Arts, The (Reid) 311 Oxford Hachette French
Dictionary, The 191, 406 Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, The (Longmore)
327 ... History of the United States 310 Oxford Illustrated Junior Dictionary 371
Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia 186, 188,213, 241 Oxford Illustrated History of
Britain, The (Morgan) 166, 287, 307, 339 Oxford Illustrated History of English
Literature, The ...

Handbook of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Applications

The Handbook of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Applications is a comprehensive professional reference book that guides business analysts, scientists, engineers and researchers (both academic and industrial) through all stages of data analysis, model building and implementation. The Handbook helps one discern the technical and business problem, understand the strengths and weaknesses of modern data mining algorithms, and employ the right statistical methods for practical application. Use this book to address massive and complex datasets with novel statistical approaches and be able to objectively evaluate analyses and solutions. It has clear, intuitive explanations of the principles and tools for solving problems using modern analytic techniques, and discusses their application to real problems, in ways accessible and beneficial to practitioners across industries - from science and engineering, to medicine, academia and commerce. This handbook brings together, in a single resource, all the information a beginner will need to understand the tools and issues in data mining to build successful data mining solutions. Written "By Practitioners for Practitioners" Non-technical explanations build understanding without jargon and equations Tutorials in numerous fields of study provide step-by-step instruction on how to use supplied tools to build models Practical advice from successful real-world implementations Includes extensive case studies, examples, MS PowerPoint slides and datasets CD-DVD with valuable fully-working 90-day software included: "Complete Data Miner - QC-Miner - Text Miner" bound with book

Text mining (also known as text data mining and knowledge discovery in textual
databases) is the process of deriving novel ... Though rightly considered a part of
the general field of data mining, text mining differs significantly in many details ...

Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists: Pearson New International Edition

For junior/senior undergraduates taking probability and statistics as applied to engineering, science, or computer science. This classic text provides a rigorous introduction to basic probability theory and statistical inference, with a unique balance between theory and methodology. Interesting, relevant applications use real data from actual studies, showing how the concepts and methods can be used to solve problems in the field. This revision focuses on improved clarity and deeper understanding. This latest edition is also available in as an enhanced Pearson eText. This exciting new version features an embedded version of StatCrunch, allowing students to analyze data sets while reading the book.

This latest edition is also available in as an enhanced Pearson eText. This exciting new version features an embedded version of StatCrunch, allowing students to analyze data sets while reading the book.

Food Safety Handbook

As with the beginning of the twentieth century, when food safety standards and the therapeutic benefits of certain foods and supplements first caught the public’s attention, the dawn of the twenty-first century finds a great social priority placed on the science of food safety. Ronald Schmidt and Gary Rodrick’s Food Safety Handbook provides a single, comprehensive reference on all major food safety issues. This expansive volume covers current United States and international regulatory information, food safety in biotechnology, myriad food hazards, food safety surveillance, and risk prevention. Approaching food safety from retail, commercial, and institutional angles, this authoritative resource analyzes every step of the food production process, from processing and packaging to handling and distribution. The Handbook categorizes and defines real and perceived safety issues surrounding food, providing scientifically non-biased perspectives on issues for professional and general readers. Each part is divided into chapters, which are then organized into the following structure: Introduction and Definition of Issues; Background and Historical Significance; Scientific Basis and Implications; Regulatory, Industrial, and International Implications; and Current and Future Implications. Topics covered include: Risk assessment and epidemiology Biological, chemical, and physical hazards Control systems and intervention strategies for reducing risk or preventing food hazards, such as Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Diet, health, and safety issues, with emphasis on food fortification, dietary supplements, and functional foods Worldwide food safety issues, including European Union perspectives on genetic modification Food and beverage processors, manufacturers, transporters, and government regulators will find the Food Safety Handbook to be the premier reference in its field.

This expansive volume covers current United States and international regulatory information, food safety in biotechnology, myriad food hazards, food safety surveillance, and risk prevention.

Kisah Para Nabi

Sejarah Lengkap Kehidupan para Nabi sejak Adam A.S. hingga Isa A.S.

Kisah Para Nabi Sejarah Lengkap Kehidupan para Nabi sejak Adam A.S. hingga Isa A.S. Ibnu Katsir Sebaik-baik kisah sejarah yang dapat diambil pelajaran serta hikmah berharga darinya adalah yang bersumber dari al-Qur`an dan hadis. Keduanya merupakan sumber utama bagi kaum Muslimin dalam menetapkan hukum dan mempelajari sejarah kehidupan umat terdahulu beserta para nabi yang diutus Allah s.w.t. untuk menyampaikan risalah-Nya di muka bumi. Buku Kisah para Nabi ini merupakan karya fenomenal ulama terkemuka sekaligus ahli tafsir dan sejarah, Ibnu Katsir. Kisah-kisahnya bersandar pada ayat al-Qur`an dan hadis sahih sehingga isinya terbebas dari berbagai kisah israiliyat sejak awal paragraf hingga akhir. Di dalamnya juga tersaji berbagai peristiwa dan hal menarik, seperti: hikmah di balik penciptaan Nabi Adam a.s.; pertemuan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dengan Nabi Adam di surga; doa Nabi Nuh a.s. sebagai rasul pertama yang diutus ke bumi; dakwah Nabi Ibrahim a.s. ke tengah kaum penyembah berhala; kisah penyembelihan Nabi Ismail a.s. dan awal pembangunan Baitullah; perjuangan dakwah Nabi Musa a.s. membebaskan Bani Israil dari cengkeraman Firaun; dialog Nabi Musa a.s. dengan Firaun dan para penyihir kerajaan; asal-usul dan bukti kenabian Khidhir; kisah beberapa nabi Bani Israil; serta kisah turunnya Nabi Isa a.s. ke bumi pada akhir zaman, Selain hadir lebih sistematis dan kaya informasi, dengan tetap menjaga orisinalitas dan keautentikan kitab aslinya, buku ini juga begitu istimewa karena telah melalui proses tahqiq dan takhrij yang dilakukan oleh Prof. Dr. Abdul Hayyi al-Farmawi, guru besar Tafsir dan Ulumul Qur`an dari Universitas al-Azhar, Kairo. Melalui buku ini, setiap mukmin akan tenggelam dalam oase keimanan serta ketakwaan yang indah dan paripurna dari para nabi dan rasul. Jadi, tidaklah berlebihan jika buku persembahan penerbot QisthiPress ini “wajib ada” dalam perpustakaan pribadi kita. Selamat membaca.

Kisah Para Nabi Sejarah Lengkap Kehidupan para Nabi sejak Adam A.S. hingga Isa A.S. Ibnu Katsir Sebaik-baik kisah sejarah yang dapat diambil pelajaran serta hikmah berharga darinya adalah yang bersumber dari al-Qur`an dan hadis.

Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 for Windows, Web, and Office Applications: Complete

MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC 2010: COMPLETE teaches students the essentials of computer programming using the latest Visual Basic programming language, Visual Basic 2010. Nine chapters and four appendices cover topics such as designing a Visual Basic user interface, creating a windows application, variables and arithmetic operations, mobile applications using decision structures, loop structures, Visual Studio tools for Office applications, and function procedures and exception handling. Written in a straight-forward style with the innovative Guided Program Development section in each chapter, this text makes it easy for any novice programmer to understand the core capabilities and fundamental skills and techniques for Visual Basic 2010. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Before beginning to design the user interface, however, the developer should
know how to use certain Visual Studio and Visual Basic rapid application
development (RAD) tools because these tools are used in the design process.

Microsoft Visual C# 2012: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Develop the strong programming skills in Visual C# you need for success with Farrell’s MICROSOFT VISUAL C# 2012: AN INTRODUCTION TO OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING, 5E. Engaging examples and a straightforward approach help readers establish solid skills in both structured and object-oriented programming, introducing critical principles and techniques that are easily transferrable to other programming languages. This edition incorporates the most recent versions of both C# and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 with approachable You Do It sections, Video Lessons for each chapter, and a variety of new debugging exercises, programming exercises, and case studies to keep readers actively involved. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This edition incorporates the most recent versions of both C# and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 with approachable You Do It sections, Video Lessons for each chapter, and a variety of new debugging exercises, programming exercises, and case ...