Sebanyak 23 item atau buku ditemukan

Seminar Membenahi Perilaku Pelaku Bisnis Melalui Undang-Undang no. 5 tahun 1999 Tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat

himpunan makalah, rangkuman diskusi, dan kesimpulan seminar

Seminar on the Indonesian Law Concerning Ban on Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Practices; papers.

Seminar on the Indonesian Law Concerning Ban on Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Practices; papers.

Struktur dan fungsi kalimat bahasa Melayu Sambas

Bahasa Melayu Sambas hingga saat ini telah berinteraksi dengan bahasa
Indonesia, bahasa Melayu, bahasa Cina, dan bahasa Inggris. Konsekuensi atas
situasi tersebut adalah ancaman terjadinya pergeseran terhadap bahasa

Teachings of Islam

A discussion on the philosophy of spiritual development in Islam

Highly-acclaimed discussion of the Islamic path for the physical, moral and spiritual progress of man. "The ideas are very profound and very true." -- Count Tolstoy, Russia

Highly-acclaimed discussion of the Islamic path for the physical, moral and spiritual progress of man. "The ideas are very profound and very true." -- Count Tolstoy, Russia

Analisis bisnis real estate

Marketing analysis of real estate business in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Desain Rancang Bangun Tendensi yang terlihat saat ini, pemilik/pengelola dari
pusat perbelanjaan cenderung akan mengembangkan konsep mall yaitu
memiliki single corri- dor dimana setiap toko akan mendapatkan kesempatan
sama ...

Pemakaian kata tugas dalam teks buku pelajaran SLTP

Indonesian language grammar, use of prepositions and conjunctions.

Konsep ketiga itu didasarkan pada Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia dan
Pedoman Ejaan Umum Bahasa ... dalam penelitian ini berkaitan dengan (1)
bagaimana data diperoleh; (2) bagaimana data diolah/dianalisis; dan (3) sumber

Video Stream Multicast Over IPv6 Networks

Video stream multicast over IP networks is an essential technology for the Internet distance education. Also, it could be an attractive enhancement for the traditional face-to-face class on campus. This thesis proposes that IPv6, compared to currently used IPv4, is better IP protocol to deploy if video stream multicast is required in a typical campus network. Possible solutions are proposed to solve the problems in the deployment of IPv6 video stream multicast. Furthermore, one simple testbed is built to demonstrate video stream multicast over IPv6 networks. The tests include: video stream IPv6 multicast with and without QoS mechanism under different background traffic patterns, video stream IPv6 multicast with QoS mechanism under different background traffic patterns. Four parameters (bandwidth, packet loss, one-way delay, and jitter) for the performance of video transmission are estimated.

Possible solutions are proposed to solve the problems in the deployment of IPv6 video stream multicast. Furthermore, one simple testbed is built to demonstrate video stream multicast over IPv6 networks.