Sebanyak 47 item atau buku ditemukan

Android Studio Game Development

Concepts and Design

This short book walks you through the process of creating mobile games using the new Android Studio IDE. Android Studio Game Development introduces you to the key tools in Android Studio and gives you the knowledge you need to develop games in Android Studio. This book takes you from installing Android Studio, through exploring the IDE to creating a new project and setting up GitHub as a VCS. You'll then be well equipped to tackle the game-development topics that make up the rest of the book. You'll learn about OpenGL ES and how to deal with polygons, before mastering image loading and sprite sheets. The final three chapters cover topics vital to successful game development: interactivity. You'll gain skills in reading user input, responding to that input with in-game movement, and detecting collisions. You'll learn: How to create projects in Android Studio How to use the SDK manager to keep your Android SDK current How to commit to and get projects from GitHub How to use OpenGL ES to load images How to react to player input How to debug your games using Android Studio Audience This book is for those who may be new to game development who have some experience with Android Studio IDE and Android. To learn about Android Studio, check out Learn Android Studio IDE by Gerber and Craig (Apress).

This book takes you from installing Android Studio, through exploring the IDE to creating a new project and setting up GitHub as a VCS. You'll then be well equipped to tackle the game-development topics that make up the rest of the book.

Teori Dan Analisis Politik Pemerintahan

Dari Orde Lama, Orde Baru, Sampai Reformasi

Indonesian politics and government.

(Davis)" Khusus untuk partisipasi politik rakyat dapat didefinisikan sebagai
kegiatan warga negara yang bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi pengambilan
keputusan oleh pemerintah. (Samuel Huntington dan Joan Nelson)* Namun
demikian ...

Handbook of Product Liability / Recall / Insurance in Germany

Product liability and product recalls in particular can pose a threat to the very existence of a company. In order to handle product liability risks a company doing business under the influence of

The fr_dkm_productliability database (fr_dkm_productliability) is a digital
knowledge management tool available to companies or businesses to help fulfill
their legal obligations in regards to product liability. The fr_dkm_productliability is
developed from the database system fr_dkm. The fr_dkm data-base system has
been successfully implemented and used by small and mid-sized companies (
e.g. law firms, accountants, legal departments and consultants) wishing to
organize very ...

Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics, And Sex and Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll

Statistics, Statistics

Facts101 is your complete guide to Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics, And Sex and Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll. In this book, you will learn topics such as as those in your book plus much more. With key features such as key terms, people and places, Facts101 gives you all the information you need to prepare for your next exam. Our practice tests are specific to the textbook and we have designed tools to make the most of your limited study time.

Facts101 is your complete guide to Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics, And Sex and Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll. In this book, you will learn topics such as as those in your book plus much more.

Pengantar Manajemen Sarana dan Prasarana Sekolah

Manajemen sarana dan prasarana pendidikan adalah proses pengadaan dan pendayagunaan komponen-komponen yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung jalannya proses pendidikan untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan secara efektif dan efesien. Manajemen sarana dan prasarana pendidikan bertugas mengatur dan menjaga sarana dan prasarana pendidikan agar dapat memberikan kontribusi pada proses pendidikan secara optimal. Kegiatan pengelolaan ini meliputi kegiatan perencanaan, pengadaan, pengawasan, penyimpanan inventarisasi, penghapusan, penggunaan/pemanfaatan dan tanggung jawab. Dalam pengadaan dan menggunakan sarana dan prasarana di sekolah dibutuhkan suatu proses, yaitu mulai dari perencanaan, pengadaan, pengaturan, penggunaan, dan penghapusan. Perencanaan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan merupakan proses perancangan upaya pembelian, penyewaan, peminjaman, penukaran, daur ulang, rekondisi/rehabilitasi, distribusi atau pembuatan peralatan dan pelengkapan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Proses ini sebaiknya melibatkan unsur-unsur penting sekolah, seperti kepala sekolah dan wakil kepala sekolah, guru, tata usaha, bendahara, serta komite sekolah.

Buku Pengantar manajemen sarana dan prasarana sekolah ini diterbitkan oleh penerbit deepublish dan tersedia juga versi cetaknya.