Sebanyak 33 item atau buku ditemukan

Acting Ethically: Behavior and the Sustainable Society

One of the most important factors for creating the sustainable society is that the individuals in that society behave in an environmentally sustainable fashion. Yet achieving appropriate behavior in any society is difficult, and the challenge is no less with regards to sustainability. Three of the most important factors for determining behavior have recently been highlighted by psychologists: personal efficacy, social influence, and internal standards. Because these three factors play a prominent role in behavior, it is necessary to examine what role they play in creating sustainability and how they may be utilized to achieve optimal behavior patterns. Ultimately, in order to achieve sustainability solutions must focus on individual action, realistic governmental regulation, and sustained, direct encounters with the natural world. While much time and energy has been spent on social influence and personal efficacy, less has been devoted to internal standards and this area needs more attention if there is to be any realistic attempt at creating proper behavior patterns.

Even if turning off the water while brushing one's teeth will not stop the impending
global water crisis, it does foster an ethic and an attitude for positively engaging
in those occasions that do make a difference. Thus, even if it can be shown that ...

Naskah, teks, dan metode penelitian filologi

Studies in Indonesian philology.

7.10 Metode Analisis Struktur Analisis struktur terhadap sebuah karya bertujuan
untuk memaparkan secermat mungkin keterkaitan semua unsur- unsur dan
aspek karya sastra yang bersama-sama menghasilkan makna yang menyeluruh.

Warp Knit Machine Elements

All about Tricot-, Raschel- and Crochet Warp Knitting Machines as Well as Stitch Through Mali-machines