Sebanyak 17 item atau buku ditemukan

Strategic Management

Planning for Domestic and Global Competition

Contemporary research in strategic management, with an emphasis on conceptual tools and skills created by scholars and practitioners in the field are evident throughout Strategic Management, 13e. This thirteenth edition of Strategic Management has a refined message and a new subtitle: Planning for Domestic & Global Competition. This new edition is specially designed to accommodate the needs of strategy students worldwide in our fast-changing twenty-first century. The authors complement the focus on strategic planning for success within U.S. borders with unprecedented attention on how U.S. firms can leverage their domestic success by forming international partnerships and can achieve international success by becoming actively involved in global trade. These are exciting times, and they are reflected in this book. The new edition includes NEW or revised chapter material, 30 NEW cases, and dozens of NEW illustrations.

Contemporary research in strategic management, with an emphasis on conceptual tools and skills created by scholars and practitioners in the field, are evident throughout this book.

Beberapa wawasan dan kiat pengelolaan bisnis

Business managerial policies, strategies, etc. of Indonesian companies; collection of articles.

Business managerial policies, strategies, etc. of Indonesian companies; collection of articles.

Begini harusnya bisnis!

5 kunci emas pengusaha spektakuler Indonesia

Business strategies of successful businessmen and corporates in Indonesia.

Salah besar! Justru di negara maju seperti Amerika dan Jepang, MLM melesat
dengan kencangnya. Di Amerika, MLM tumbuh hampir 250 persen selama satu
dekade terakhir, manakala di Jepang, MLM membukukan total omzet paling
tinggi di dunia — melampaui Amerika. Bahkan Singapura dan China yang
dulunya menutup diri, beberapa tahun belakangan mulai membuka diri terhadap
MLM. Diprediksi, semenjak tahun 2003 — setiap tahunnya — MLM mencatat
omzet ritel tidak ...

Creating Wealth Through Strategic Hr And Entrepreneurship

In Indian context.

Strategic Human Resources Management: The Architecture for Success in
Changing Business Scenario MUNA KALYANI' ... Traditionally strategy- the
company's plan for how it will balance its internal strengths and weaknesses with
external ...

Business plan

teknik membuat perencanaan bisnis dan analisis kasus

Tingkat persaingan: siapa saja yang telah bermain di industri tersebut, seberapa
kuat pesaing yang ada, dan bagaimana kondisi harga dan strategi pemasaran
yang diterapkan oleh pesaing. g. Keunggulan kompetitif yang kita miliki, yang ...

BUKU DIARSIP : Preparing a Successful Business Plan

If you are considering a new business venture or rethinking an old one, you need to document your long-term plans. This book will help you create an effective proposal for achieving goals in the form of a business plan. Recognizing that a business plan constitutes much more than a written document, this guide will enable you to lay the foundation for a dynamic process of planning, reviewing, and updating your business agenda. By completing the worksheets, you will set the foundation of your internal planning process for years to come.

If you are considering a new business venture or rethinking an old one, you need to document your long-term plans. This book will help you create an effective proposal for achieving goals in the form of a business plan.

Strategic Alternatives

Selection, Development, and Implementation

Strategic thinking and decisions; Highlights of strategic thinking; Making decisions and setting priorities; Successful management strategies; Marketing based strategies; Production based strategies; Innovation: the glamour strategy; Using financing and executive talents; Functional decisions and total strategy integration; Implementation strategies.

Strategic thinking and decisions; Highlights of strategic thinking; Making decisions and setting priorities; Successful management strategies; Marketing based strategies; Production based strategies; Innovation: the glamour strategy; Using ...

Total Strategy

Aims to provide the tools and a working framework to allow practising managers identify creative strategies. The framework is designed to encourage creative thought processes. The book is not designed to be prescriptive, but allows the reader to explore creative options that are appropriate to its own situation.

The framework is designed to encourage creative thought processes. The book is not designed to be prescriptive, but allows the reader to explore creative options that are appropriate to its own situation.

Corporate Strategy and Business Planning

This text seeks to present and explain the concepts, techniques, frameworks and methodologies of strategic management in a concise, straightforward and way. It gives the reader all the essential information needed to identify central issues in strategic management and planning and hence be able to make up his or her own mind on the best approaches to strategic problems.

This text seeks to present and explain the concepts, techniques, frameworks and methodologies of strategic management in a concise, straightforward and way.