Sebanyak 9 item atau buku ditemukan

Mencari konsep manusia Indonesia

sebuah bunga rampai

Manusia seolah-olah terus menerus terlibat dalam perancangan masa-
depannya; hal ini terutama dimungkinkan oleh kemampuan manusia untuk
mengandaikan segala realitas. Suatu realitas dapat dihadapinya dengan
berbagai pengandaian, dan karena pengandaian itu tidak terbatas fakta apapun,
maka pengandaian itulah proses yang melakukan transformasi realitas menjadi
kemungkinan-kemungkinan. Jika realitas kita rumuskan sebagai sesuatu yang
berciri 'ada' (being), ...

William Shakespeare's Hamlet

Presents a collection of critical essays about William Shakespeare's play, "Hamlet."

La traduzione di Amleto nella cultura europea, Marsilio, Venezia. Del Sapio
Garbero M., 2005, Il bene ritrovato. Le figlie di Shakespeare dal King Lear ai
romances, Belzoni, Roma. Derrida J., 1985a, “De Tours de Babel”, in J. F.
Graham (ed.) ...


The Boy who Set Sail on a Questionable Quest

The third epic and hilarious quest of Blart and his companions, featuring pirates, trolls, wolfdogs and much humorous skulduggery. Reads like 'The Princess Bride' meets Monty Python.

The third epic and hilarious quest of Blart and his companions, featuring pirates, trolls, wolfdogs and much humorous skulduggery. Reads like 'The Princess Bride' meets Monty Python.

Bad Blood

A quiet night with Angel - in the graveyard, of course - turns nasty when Buffy discovers that someone or something has been snacking on the corpses. Giles suspects that a family of ghouls has arrived in town.

A quiet night with Angel - in the graveyard, of course - turns nasty when Buffy discovers that someone or something has been snacking on the corpses. Giles suspects that a family of ghouls has arrived in town.

Pendidikan karakter

konsep dan implementasi

Concept and implementation of character building education in Indonesia.

Concept and implementation of character building education in Indonesia.

Wayang sebagai media pendidikan budi pekerti bagi generasi muda: Seri remaja Bambang Kalingga sampai Pandu

Moral and ethical aspects of wayang shadow plays for youth in Indonesia.

Moral and ethical aspects of wayang shadow plays for youth in Indonesia.