Sebanyak 9 item atau buku ditemukan

The Gaia Atlas of Cities

New Directions for Sustainable Urban Living

Extensively revised and updated for the Habitat II Conference, this work addresses key issues, analyzing the problems of expanding city populations and exploring the possibility of healing cities, making them self-sustaining, and responsible for themselves and their immediate surrounding

Extensively revised and updated for the Habitat II Conference, this work addresses key issues, analyzing the problems of expanding city populations and exploring the possibility of healing cities, making them self-sustaining, and ...

The Sustainability of New Urbanism: Case Studies in Maryland

The objective of this dissertation is to determine if New Urbanism is a sustainable alternative to conventional neighborhood development patterns with the hypothesis that New Urbanism is a sustainable alternative. For this research, sustainability was defined as reducing the consumption of nonrenewable resources and encouraging the consumption of renewable resources through the physical design of an area. To test the thesis of this dissertation, New Urbanist neighborhoods in Maryland were evaluated by the author using the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) standards and the sustainable neighborhood principles, as developed by the author, to establish their sustainable attributes. In theory the principles of compact, mixed-use, mixed-income, walkability, as well as accessibility by various means of mass transportation, such as those supported by New Urbanism, suggest an alternative to conventional, low-density, single-use, automobile-dependent development patterns. However, the lack of empirical evidence to support this claim fails to expose New Urbanism as a sustainable alternative to low-density, automobile-dependent developments. By assessing the sustainability of New Urbanism through the LEED-ND standards and then the twelve sustainable neighborhood principles, the author was able to contribute to the literature gap by empirically establishing a relationship between the ideas of New Urbanism and sustainability.

The objective of this dissertation is to determine if New Urbanism is a sustainable alternative to conventional neighborhood development patterns with the hypothesis that New Urbanism is a sustainable alternative.

African Cities in Crisis

Managing Rapid Urban Growth

Rencana umum tata ruang kota, rencana detail tata ruang kota, Kota Wonogiri, 1986/1987 2003/2004

bahan seminar, laporan akhir sementara, rancangan rencana (draft report).

V - 12 TR V - 02 : Alternatif Sumber Biaya Untuk Pengembangan Berbagai
Sarana Sosial V - 14 TR VI - 01 : Realisasi Penerimaan Rutin Daerah Otonom Tk.
II - Kabupaten Wonogiri Tahun Anggaran 1981/1982 1985/1986 VI - 05 TR VI -
02 ...

Rencana investasi prasarana kota Demak tahun 1988/1989-1994/1995

program pembangunan prasarana kota terpadu

Pendapatan tahun 1936/1987 sebssar Biaya operasi pemoliharaan jasa Surplus
tahun 1936/1987 Rp. 95*600.000,- Rp. 15.840.000,- 6. 'flp. 7v. 040. ... Pada
tahun anggaran 1993/1994 monjadi Rp. 214 .830.000,- PUSKaSMS..
Pendapatan ...

Rencana investasi prasarana perkotaan kota Sleman Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

penyusunan P3KT sampai dengan 1993/1994

Bila ditambah dengan belanja rutin yang digunakan untuk prasarana kota maka
rata-rata anggaran biaya untuk prasarana kota dari sumber pendapatan asli
daerah adalah sebagai berikut : - Anggaran belanja rutin untuk prasarana kota 2,
84 ...