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Kapita selekta hukum perlindungan konsumen di Indonesia

On consumer protection in Indonesia according to Indonesian law and regulations.

On consumer protection in Indonesia according to Indonesian law and regulations.

Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection

OS diperkenalkan pada tahun 1984. Mac OS sejak tahun 2006 telah memiliki
kompatibilitas dengan arsitektur PowerPC maupun x86. Versi terakhir Mac OS
saat ini adalah Mac OS X (baca: Mac OS Ten) yang diluncurkan pada tahun

Imports from China and Food Safety Issues

The FDA¿s increased attention to food imports from China is an indicator of safety concerns as imported food becomes more common in the U.S. Addressing safety risks associated with these imports is difficult because of the vast array of products from China, China¿s weak enforcement of food safety standards, its heavy use of ag. chem., and environ. pollution. FDA refusals of food shipments from China suggest recurring problems with ¿filth,¿ unsafe additives, labeling, and vet. drug residues in fish and shellfish. Chinese authorities try to control food export safety by certifying exporters and the farms that supply them. However, monitoring such a wide range of products for the different hazards is a difficult challenge for Chinese and U.S. officials. Ill.

The FDA¿s increased attention to food imports from China is an indicator of safety concerns as imported food becomes more common in the U.S. Addressing safety risks associated with these imports is difficult because of the vast array of ...