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The World Guide 1997/98

A View from the South

Once the land was in the hands of settlers, it was stocked with sheep to provide
the growing British textile industry with both an abundant supply of raw materials,
and a cheap source of food for the industry's workforce. 12 The development of
the cattle industry and the subsequent discovery ... ENVIRONMENT An island in
the Indian Ocean, 2,500 km northeast of Perth, Australia, and 380 km south of
Java, Indonesia. Mountainous and arid, it has a dry climate. SOCIETY Peoples:
Nearly ...

Proses pengelolaan pembangunan nasional

6. neraca perdagangan, 7. jumlah kredit yang diberikan oleh lembaga-lembaga
keuangan dan perbankan kepada para nasabahnya, misalnya dalam rangka pe-
nanaman modal, 8. jumlah tabungan masyarakat, 9. jumlah oplag surat kabar ...

Analisis dasar luar negara Dunia Ketiga

Foreign relations among developing countries with reference to Malaysia.

Justeru itu, sumbangan badan pemikir (think-tank) seperti Institut Kajian Strategik
dan Hubungan Antarabangsa (ISIS), Kementerian Luar, Unit Perancangan
Ekonomi Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Majlis Perniagaan Malaysia serta Institut
Maritim ...

Development and the Environment

The World Development Report 1992 explores the links between economic development and the environment. The 1990 report on poverty, 1991 report on development strategies, and this report constitute a trilogy on the goals and means of development. The main message of this year's report is the need to integrate environmental considerations into development policy making. The report argues that continued, and even accelerated, economic and human development is sustainable and can be consistent with improving environmental conditions, but that this will require major policy, program, and institutional shifts. A twofold strategy is required. First, the positive links between efficient income growth and the environment need to be aggressively exploited. Second, strong policies and institutions need to be put in place which cause decision makers to adopt less damaging forms of behavior. Where trade offs exist between income growth and environmental quality, the report argues for a careful assessment of the costs and benefits of alternative policies. This approach will result in much less environmental damage.

The World Development Report 1992 explores the links between economic development and the environment.