Sebanyak 7 item atau buku ditemukan

Fiqh Indonesia

penggagas dan gagasannya

Biography of T.M. Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy, 1906-1975, Indonesian Muslim scholar, his ideas on Islamic law reform, a reorientation towards Indonesian fiqh; Islamic law, Indonesia, interpretation and construction.

Biography of T.M. Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy, 1906-1975, Indonesian Muslim scholar, his ideas on Islamic law reform, a reorientation towards Indonesian fiqh; Islamic law, Indonesia, interpretation and construction.

Wacana fiqh perempuan dalam perspektif Muhammadiyah

Fiqh on women from the perspective of Muhammadiyah, a modern Islamic organization in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Fiqh on women from the perspective of Muhammadiyah, a modern Islamic organization in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Masalah-masalah teologi dan fiqh dalam Tarjih Muhammadiyah

Issues on theology and fiqh in Muhammadiyah, modern Islamic organization in Indonesia.

Issues on theology and fiqh in Muhammadiyah, modern Islamic organization in Indonesia.

Fiqh anti trafiking

jawaban atas berbagai kasus kejahatan perdagangan manusia dalam perspektif hukum Islam

On human trafficking in Indonesia with reference to Islamic law.

On human trafficking in Indonesia with reference to Islamic law.

Ke arah fiqh Indonesia

mengenang jasa Prof. Dr. T.M. Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy

Position of Indonesian fiqh in today's national legal reform, festschrift in honor of T.M. Hasbi Ash Siddieqy, former lecturer of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic Studies Institute, Yogyakarta.

Position of Indonesian fiqh in today's national legal reform, festschrift in honor of T.M. Hasbi Ash Siddieqy, former lecturer of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic Studies Institute, Yogyakarta.