Sebanyak 35 item atau buku ditemukan

Psikologi Anak Berbakat

Bakat itu sendiri adalah potensi yang melekat, dan secara khusus melatihnya untuk memperoleh keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan tertentu. Bakat adalah kemampuan khusus yang harus dimiliki seseorang secara alami. Bakat juga merupakan kualitas yang biasanya disembunyikan dari seseorang meningkat seiring waktu. Semua orang dilahirkan dengan bakat yang istimewa, namun yang sering terjadi pada kebanyakan orang tidak menyadari bakat yang dimilikinya karena kurang bimbingan, dukungan dan kesempatan yang tepat untuk menunjukinya. Dalam buku ini banyak hal yang menarik yang dibahas tentang keberbakatan meliputi, konsep dan definisi keberbakatan, konsep 34 tema bakat dan pandu 45, menentukan karakteristik dan kebutuhan keberbakatan identifikasi dan asessment anak berbakat, model dan praktik keberbakatan, layanan psikologis dan konseling keberbakatan, merancang program keberbakatan, masalah yang dihadapi anak berbakat, eksplorisasi bakat anak.

Menyimak kebutuhan pada anak berbakat tersebut, maka untuk memperoleh talenta anak perlu dikembangkan pendidikan alternatif dan model layanan bimbingan profesional untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif dalam pembelajaran.

Pendidikan Kesehatan Dan Promosi Kesehatan

Penulisan buku ini dilakukan secara berkolaborasi yang ditulis sejak 4 April sampai 25 April 2021. Sebagai perwujudan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, Beberapa Dosen Dari Berbagai Institusi Yang Menuangkan Tulisannya Sesuai Latar Belakang Kelimuan Masing- Masng Penulis. Buku Ini Merupakan Wujud Sumbangsih Buah Pemikiran Anak Bangsa Yang Peduli Akan Permasalahan Perilaku Kesehatan.Masyarakat Saat Ini Yang Sangat Membutuhkan Pendidikan Kesehatan (Health Educatiion) dengan cara Promosi Kesehatan dengan menggunakan beberapa Media Promosi. Besar Harapan Agar Tulisan Ini Bisa Menjadi Referensi Bacaan Bagi Masyarakat luas serta Pegangan Bagi Mahasiswa Kesehatan Buku ini membahas tentang: 1. Konsep, Teori, Dan Prinsip Belajar Mengajar Pada Program Pendidikan Kesehatan Pasien 2. Konsep Dan Teori Promosi Kesehatan 3. Konsep Perilaku dan Perilaku Kesehatan Individu 4. Metode dan Media Promosi Kesehatan 5. Membuat Rancangan Promosi kesehatan Terstruktur 6. Model Dalam Promosi Kesehatan 7. Pengkajian Kebutuhan Promosi Kesehatan 8. Komunikasi dan Advokasi dalam Promosi Kesehatan 9. Kemitraan dan Pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam Program Kesehatan 10. Pengembangan Program Promosi Kesehatan dan pendidikan kesehatan Pasien.

... kebudayaan, media massa, lembaga pendidikan dan agama, serta pengaruh factor emosional. Komponen yang membentuk sikap menurut Maulana (2009) sebagai berikut: 1) Komponen kognitif (cognitive) Di sebut juga komponen perceptual, ...

Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality Evaluation

The first book in this rapidly expanding area, Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality Evaluation thoroughly discusses the latest advances in image processing and analysis. Computer vision has attracted much research and development attention in recent years and, as a result, significant scientific and technological advances have been made in quality inspection, classification and evaluation of a wide range of food and agricultural products. This unique work provides engineers and technologists working in research, development, and operations in the food industry with critical, comprehensive and readily accessible information on the art and science of computer vision technology. Undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in universities and research institutions will also find this an essential reference source. · Discusses novel technology for recognizing objects and extracting quantitative information from digital images in order to provide objective, rapid, non-contact and non-destructive quality evaluation. · International authors with both academic and professional credentials address in detail one aspect of the relevant technology per chapter making this ideal for textbook use · Divided into three parts, it begins with an outline of the fundamentals of the technology, followed by full coverage of the application in the most researched areas of meats and other foods, fruits, vegetables and grains.

Zaid Abdullah (Chs 1, 20), School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Penang, Malaysia Murat
O. Balaban (Ch. 8), University of Florida, Food Science and Human Nutrition
Department, PO Box 110370, Gainesville, FL 32611-0370, USA Jose Blasco (Ch.
10), IVIA (Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias), Cra. Moncada-
Naquera km 5,46113 Moncada (Valencia), Spain Sibel Damar (Ch. 8), University
of Florida, ...

The Concise Encyclopedia of Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health

An A-to-Z Guide of Conditions, Treatments, and Quality Care for Every Day

• Comprehensive information on the health challenges today's women face throughout life, all in an easy-to-follow, A-to-Z format • Guidelines for finding the best possible specialist for your reproductive and sexual health needs, whether you are seeking a gynecologist, genetic counselor, endocrinologist, or midwife • Includes helpful "what to ask your doctor" checklists and timetables for medical exams and screenings • An overview of the state of women's health today—from such conditions as amenorrhea to infertility to premature ovarian failure to breast cancer—including the latest research and resources

control of your own health care involves finding and have a relationship with the
right health care professionals. If you are reading this section, you are probably in
the market for some professional guidance. In the realms of reproductive and
sexual health, there are many specialists who can be instrumental in your getting
the care you need and deserve. We look at several of those specialists and offer

The Encyclopedia of Nails

This all-encompassing guide covers all aspects of working as a nail technician. The Encyclopedia of Nails clearly explains the skills, procedures and practical know-how required to train and work in this exciting industry. The Encyclopedia of Nails provides everything you need to know about nails from manicure and pedicure treatments to the latest health and safety legislation through to day-to-day life in the salon. Suitable for everyone learning how to become a nail technician ? whatever your mode of study. This all-encompassing guide covers all aspects of working as a nail technician. The Encyclopedia of Nails clearly explains the skills, procedures and practical know-how required to train and work in this exciting industry. The Encyclopedia of Nails provides everything you need to know about nails from manicure and pedicure treatments to the latest health and safety legislation through to day-to-day life in the salon. Suitable for everyone learning how to become a nail technician ? whatever your mode of study.

Every professional nail technician should be aware of how important their dress
code and their personal hygiene are when working with the public. Earlier
chapters have covered general points about protecting yourself and your client in
terms of correct seating, proper furniture and the right equipment. Every
professional industry has a code of conduct and ethics and the nail industry is no
different. You are representing a whole industry when you work with your clients,
not just yourself ...

Cell Talk

Transmitting Mind Into DNA

Craniosacral therapy (CST) has become an important modality in treating trauma and promoting wellness. With its gentle approach to working with the spine, the skull and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia, CST has proven equally useful for physical therapists, massage therapists, naturopaths, chiropractors, and osteopaths. One reason for its success has been its underlying theory, as explained by CST pioneer John Upledger. According to Upledger, bodily tissues and cells have individual memories, and traumatic memories can be stored in these cells and tissues.Cell Talk, written for the layperson, explores this concept in depth and shows practitioners how to use it in healing their patients. The book offers simple strategies for treating disease and dysfunction by communicating with these cells to uncover the memories and then follow the healing path they suggest. Upledger blends the scientific aspects of cell biology with insights into the nature of inner consciousness, in the process uncovering the deep links between physiology, energy, health, and healing. Fascinating case studies—from people rescued from serious ailments to “talking” with AIDS cells—show how these ideas can be turned into useful medical treatment. Fascinating anecdotes from the author's personal and work life add an intimate, human touch to this helpful book.

Fascinating anecdotes from the author's personal and work life add an intimate, human touch to this helpful book.

Healing Massage: Flash

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Even if you are completely new to massage, in just 96 pages you will discover how to master the essential movements and release tension, heal pain and soothe anxiety, helping you to share the benefits of healing touch in the quickest time possible.

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious.

Banish Back Pain with Alexander Technique: Flash

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Banish Back Pain with Alexander Technique is a quick, no-effort solution for those who want to reap the benefits of a practical and proven physical discipline.Whatever the aim - whether to overcome back pain or just improve wellbeing - in just 96 pages readers will discover the basic poses and principles.

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious.

Heal Yourself with Reflexology: Flash

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Heal Yourself With Reflexology is a short, simple and to-the-point guide to learning basic reflexology techniques in a few short steps Even if you are completely new to reflexology in just 96 pages you will discover how to master the essential movements and release tension, heal pain and soothe anxiety, helping you to share the benefits of healing touch in the quickest time possible.

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious.

Natural Healing with Aromatherapy: Flash

Natural Healing with Aromatherapy is a short, simple and to-the-point guide to learning the basic principles and practical techniques of aromatherapy and its oils. Whatever the aim - whether to overcome ailments, or just improve wellbeing - in just 96 pages readers will discover healing oils and beneficial massage techniques. Ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious, Natural Healing with Aromatherapy is a quick, no-effort solution for those who want to reap the benefits of an ancient healing tradition.

Natural Healing with Aromatherapy is a short, simple and to-the-point guide to learning the basic principles and practical techniques of aromatherapy and its oils.