Sebanyak 236 item atau buku ditemukan

An Introduction to Indonesian Historiography

In the first major work on Indonesian historiography to have appeared in any language, twenty-two outstanding scholars survey available source materials in Asia and Europe and discuss the current state of Indonesian historical scholarship, the approaches and methods that might be fruitful for future research, and the problems that confront Indonesian historians today. The contributions which can be made to historical studies by other disciplines - such as economics, sociology, anthropology, and international law - are discussed by specialists in these fi elds. Problems of Indonesian historiography are presented not only from points of view of the diff erent social sciences, but also from those of historians who differ in approach and interpretation from one another. This unique work, now brought back to life in Equinox Publishing's Classic Indonesia series, proves to be great value to historians and social scientists as an introduction to both sources for and diff erent approaches to the history of an important part of the world. Edited by one of Indonesia's leading scholars, Soedjatmoko, as well as Mohamad Ali, G.J. Resnik and George McT. Kahin, An Introduction to Indonesian Historiography features contributions from John Bastin, C.C. Berg, Buchari, J.C. Bottoms, C.R. Boxer, L. Ch. Damais, Hoesein Djajadiningrat, H.J. de Graf, Graham Irwan, Koichi Kishi, Koentjaraningrat, Ruth T. McVey, J. Noorduyn, J.M. Romein, R. Soekmono, Tjan Tjoe Som, F.J.E. Tan, W.F. Wertheim and P.J. Zoetmulder.

BY G. J. RESINK 0 Research Professor, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences,
University of Indonesia, Jakarta THE history of international law in Indonesia has
an old and rich reality and is a young and poverty-stricken science. We shall
speak first of its age and richness, insofar as this reality can be shaped briefly into
words. Following this, we shall describe its youth and its poverty, which subject
will be swiftly exhausted. Finally, we shall touch on the history of international law
as a ...

An Indonesian Frontier

Acehnese and Other Histories of Sumatra

"This book is the fruit of forty years' study of Sumatran history, from the sixteenth century to the present. While seeking patterns of coherence in the vast island frontier, it focuses on Aceh, which has both the most illustrious state history and the most troubled present of any Sumatran region."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

"This book is the fruit of forty years' study of Sumatran history, from the sixteenth century to the present.

Statistik 60 tahun Indonesia merdeka

Statistics of socioeconomic development in Indonesia after 60 years of independence.

Statistics of socioeconomic development in Indonesia after 60 years of independence.

Dasar-dasar kerisis semesta dan tanggung jawab kita

kumpulan 13 makalah Simposium Dasar-Dasar Kerisi Semesta dan Tanggung Jawab Kita yang diadakan oleh Universitas Nasional dari tanggal 4-5 Juni 1983

untuk tumbuhnya praktek-praktek neo-feodalisme. Orang tidak mengindahkan
prestasi dan efektifitas. Itulah sebabnya banyak sekali kebijaksanaan pemerintah
yang berciri populis mencair di pelaksanaan, dan terujud hasil yang sebaliknya.
Tanpa dirasa jarak antara pemimpin dan yang dipimpin semakin jauh, sehingga
aspirasi rakyat tidak dapat dihayati lagi oleh para pemimpinnya. Dahulu pada
masa revolusi aspirasi para pemimpin yang menyatu dengan rakyat adalah
sama ...

Perencanaan pembangunan di Indonesia

bunga rampai

Development planning and policies in Indonesia; festschrift in honor of Sugijanto Soegijoko, professor and civil employee for regional planning.

Development planning and policies in Indonesia; festschrift in honor of Sugijanto Soegijoko, professor and civil employee for regional planning.

Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza

Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad

As the Palestinian Liberation Organization engages in negotiations with Israel toward an interim period of limited Palestinian self-rule, this timely book provides an insider's view of how the growing hold of Islamic fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza challenges the peace process. Working from interviews with leaders of the movement and from primary documents, Ziad Abu-Amr traces the origin and evolution of the fundamentalist organizations Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas) and Islamic Jihad and analyzes their ideologies, their political programs, their sources of support, and their impact on Palestinian society. With a solid grasp of the dynamics of these movements, Abu-Amr charts the struggle between the fundamentalists and the PLO to define the identity of Palestinian society, its direction, and its leadership.

Context I The Islamic Jihad movement started as a splinter group of the Muslim
Brotherhood Society. The 1967 war was a pivotal point in the evolution of the
Muslim Brotherhood Society and the changes it went through. This war, from the
standpoint of one of the Islamic Jihad founders, did not put only nationalist and
secularist ideological orientations into a self-questioning posture. It also put the
traditional religious orientation, led by the Muslim Brotherhood Society, in the
same ...

Wilayah Indonesia dan dasar hukumnya: buku 1. Perbatasan Indonesia-Papua New Guinea (disertai implementasi Konvensi Hukum Laut 1982)

Legal principles of the Indonesian territory.

an inilah yang kemudian diakui oleh Inggris dengan Erskine proclamation Tahun
1884, sedangkan Traktat 1895 adalah dalam rangka pelaksanaan keputusan
tersebut. Ketidak tegasan suatu ... Traktat Tahun 1895, telah mempergunakan
dua bahasa yaitu bahasa Belanda dan bahasa Inggris, akan tetapi Traktat itu
tidak menyebutkan tentang bahasa yang mana yang akan dipergunakan apabila
dikemudian hari timbul perselisihan karena perbedaan penafsiran. Cara untuk ...

Second Chance

Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower

America's Most Distinguished commentator on foreign policy, former National Security Adviser Brzezinski offers a reasoned but unsparing assessment of the last three presidential administrations' foreign policy.

Before long, the political balance in Iran tipped back toward fundamentalist and
fiercely antiAmerican elements. Taken. *The signatories were Elliott Abrams,
Richard L. Armitage, William J. Bennett, Jeffrey Bergner, John Bolton, Paula
Dobriansky, Francis Fukuyama, Robert Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzdad, William Kristol
, Richard Perle, Peter W. Rodman, Donald Rumsfeld, William Schneider Jr., Vin
Weber, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, and Robert B. Zoellick. 128 second