Sebanyak 42 item atau buku ditemukan

Mudah Bicara Bahasa Inggris

Ingin lancar bicara bahasa Inggris? Tidak punya waktu untuk ikut les atau kursus? Sebenarnya sih, tidak sulit untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris. Asalkan kamu mengenal kata dan frasa yang lazim digunakan penutur aslinya; mengenal cara mengucapkannya; berani menggunakannya; serta jangan takut salah, pasti bisa menguasainya. Buku ini akan membantu kamu dalam mempelajari dan berlatih dalam bahasa Inggris karena terdapat aspek-aspek tersebut. Selain itu, di dalamnya terdapat pola kalimat, daftar kata, dan ungkapan; cara membangun kalimat; contoh percakapan dalam sehari-hari; serta audio untuk masing-masing unit latihan. Buku Mudah Bicara dalam Bahasa Inggris ini menyediakan apa yang kamu butuhkan dalam proses belajar dan belajar. Setelah mempelajari semuanya, pasti kamu sudah mahir bicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Selamat belajar! *Bonus pada buku fisik (CD, voucher, pembatas buku) tidak disertakan dalam buku digital (e-book)

Buku Mudah Bicara dalam Bahasa Inggris ini menyediakan apa yang kamu butuhkan dalam proses belajar dan belajar. Setelah mempelajari semuanya, pasti kamu sudah mahir bicara dalam bahasa Inggris.

Rukun Islam dan Rukun Iman

Rukun Iman dan Rukun Islam adalah pilar penting yang harus dimiliki dan diamalkan oleh umat muslim. Keduanya adalah pondasi dalam iman Islam. Memahami dan mengamalkan rukun iman dan rukun Islam akan menjadikan seseorang menjadi umat Islam yang sempurna.

Rukun Islam dan Rukun Iman menyajikan kisah sehari-hari anak-anak yang bisa menjadi sarana menanamkan akidah Islam, akidah keimanan, dan karakter Islami kepada anak-anak sejak dini. Ada 11 berlibur berpuasa, bahasa cerita yang temanya ...

Teori Ikon Bahasa

Salah Satu Pintu Masuk ke Dunia Semiotika

Pengkajian bahasa yang dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan dalam upaya memahami hakikat bahasa dan kemudian untuk memahami sifat hakiki manusia itu telah menghasilkan antara lain berbagai teori tentang bahasa. Terkait dengan berbagai teori itu, dalam buku ini secara khusus disajikan salah satu teori tentang bahasa, yaitu teori ikon bahasa. Apa yang dipaparkan dalam buku ini adalah hasil eksplorasi teoretis tentang ikon bahasa dari berbagai pustaka. Dalam buku ini diuraikan tentang pengertian, jenis-jenis, sejarah kajian, dan implikasi ikon bahasa. Melalui uraian dalam buku ini, dimunculkan kembali pertanyaan dan jawaban apakah bahasa itu bersifat ikonis atau arbitrer beserta implikasinya. Berdasarkan alasan bahwa pada asalnya penandaan dimulai dari ikon dan bahasa merupakan salah satu jenis tanda yang mengandung sifat-sifat yang dimiliki oleh jenis tanda lainnya, kajian tentang ikon bahasa dapat menjadi titik berangkat untuk mengkaji jenis-jenis tanda lainnya. Kajian tentang teori ikon bahasa merupakan salah satu pintu masuk ke dunia semiotika, yang merupakan rumah disiplin ilmu bagi tanda. Melalui teori ikon bahasa, kita dibawa masuk ke persoalan dunia tanda: hakikat tanda, proses penandaan, unsur-unsur tanda, jenis-jenis tanda, dan penggunaan tanda.

Melalui teori ikon bahasa, kita dibawa masuk ke persoalan dunia tanda: hakikat tanda, proses penandaan, unsur-unsur tanda, jenis-jenis tanda, dan penggunaan tanda.

When God is a Customer

Telugu Courtesan Songs

How is it that this woman's breasts glimmer so clearly through her saree? Can't you guess, my friends? What are they but rays from the crescents left by the nails of her lover pressing her in his passion, rays now luminous as the moonlight of a summer night? These South Indian devotional poems show the dramatic use of erotic language to express a religious vision. Written by men during the fifteenth to eighteenth century, the poems adopt a female voice, the voice of a courtesan addressing her customer. That customer, it turns out, is the deity, whom the courtesan teases for his infidelities and cajoles into paying her more money. Brazen, autonomous, fully at home in her body, she merges her worldly knowledge with the deity's transcendent power in the act of making love. This volume is the first substantial collection in English of these Telugu writings, which are still part of the standard repertoire of songs used by classical South Indian dancers. A foreword provides context for the poems, investigating their religious, cultural, and historical significance. Explored, too, are the attempts to contain their explicit eroticism by various apologetic and rationalizing devices. The translators, who are poets as well as highly respected scholars, render the poems with intelligence and tenderness. Unusual for their combination of overt eroticism and devotion to God, these poems are a delight to read.

This volume is the first substantial collection in English of these Telugu writings, which are still part of the standard repertoire of songs used by classical South Indian dancers.

The Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature

A breathtaking achievement, this Concise Companion is a suitable crown to the astonishing production in African American literature and criticism that has swept over American literary studies in the last two decades. It offers an enormous range of writers-from Sojourner Truth to Frederick Douglass, from Zora Neale Hurston to Ralph Ellison, and from Toni Morrison to August Wilson. It contains entries on major works (including synopses of novels), such as Harriet Jacobs's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Richard Wright's Native Son, and Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun. It also incorporates information on literary characters such as Bigger Thomas, Coffin Ed Johnson, Kunta Kinte, Sula Peace, as well as on character types such as Aunt Jemima, Brer Rabbit, John Henry, Stackolee, and the trickster. Icons of black culture are addressed, including vivid details about the lives of Muhammad Ali, John Coltrane, Marcus Garvey, Jackie Robinson, John Brown, and Harriet Tubman.Here, too, are general articles on poetry, fiction, and drama; on autobiography, slave narratives, Sunday School literature, and oratory; as well as on a wide spectrum of related topics. Compact yet thorough, this handy volume gathers works from a vast array of sources--from the black periodical press to women's clubs--making it one of the most substantial guides available on the growing, exciting world of African American literature.

Compact yet thorough, this handy volume gathers works from a vast array of sources--from the black periodical press to women's clubs--making it one of the most substantial guides available on the growing, exciting world of African American ...

The Oxford Guide to Plays

Ideal for students, scholars, theatre professionals, amateur drama enthusiasts and theatre-goers, The Oxford Guide to Plays provides essential information including title, author, dates of composition and first performance, genre, composition of the cast, plot synopsis and a brief commentary on 1,000 of the best-loved and most important plays in world theatre. An index of characters helps the reader to find particular characters and to trace the trajectory of major historical and legendary characters, and an index of playwrights enables the reader to find details of all the plays included by the author. The most significant plays - from The Oresteia to Waiting for Godot - are dealt with in more detail.

Ideal for students, scholars, theatre professionals, amateur drama enthusiasts and theatre-goers, The Oxford Guide to Plays provides essential information including title, author, dates of composition and first performance, genre, ...

The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms

"Defining over 1,200 literary terms, from abjection to zeugma, this dictionary is the most informative and thorough of its kind. With clearly explained entries for even the most technical literary terms, it remains the essential reference work for students of literature in any language." "This book has increased coverage of terms, from modern critical and theoretical movements to crime fiction; fully updated and extensive coverage of traditional drama, versification, rhetoric, and literary history; and pronunciation displayed for over 200 terms." --Book Jacket.

The Oxford Guide to Literary Britain & Ireland

First published in 1977, this classic reference work is a gazetteer of almost 2,000 places - villages, towns, cities, and landscapes - in Britain and Ireland detailing their connections with the lives of famous writers. It invites the reader to explore the places where their favourite writers - from Jane Austen to Philip Pullman - were born, lived, were educated, worked, and drew inspiration. The entries elegantly interweave information with anecdote and quotation, to build a vivid picture of the day-to-day lives of the writers. The Guide is the ideal resource and companion for any literay pilgrimage in Britain or Ireland, and for the armchair literary traveller. New to this edition are special feature entries on writers particularly associated with places, including the Brontes, Walter Scott, and James Joyce, contributed by high-profile authors including Margaret Drabble and John Sutherland. The Guide also provides an index of author names, with mini biographies, enablingthe reader to track down all the places associated with their favourite writers. It is stunningly illustrated throughout, with colour plates, contemporary black-and white photographs, and beautifully illustrated maps of major literary cities such as Bath, Edinburgh, Dublin, and London, and boasts a fresh new design.

First published in 1977, this classic reference work is a gazetteer of almost 2,000 places - villages, towns, cities, and landscapes - in Britain and Ireland detailing their connections with the lives of famous writers.

The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies

The Handbook contains eighty-nine articles by leading experts on all significant aspects of the diverse and fast-growing field of Byzantine Studies, which deals with the history and culture of the Byzantine Empire, the eastern half of the Late Roman Empire, from the fourth to the fourteenth century.

This handbook contains articles by leading experts on all significant aspects of the diverse and fast-growing field of Byzantine studies, which deals with the history and culture of the Byzantine Empire, the eastern half of the Late Roman ...

The Oxford Handbook of the Georgian Theatre 1737-1832

This Handbook provides a comprehensive guide to theatre of the Georgian era that will be equally useful to students new to this period of drama and to scholars working within the field. The Handbook gives equal attention to the range of dramatic forms - not just tragedy and comedy, but the likes of melodrama and pantomime - as they developed and overlapped across the period, and to the occasions, communities, and materialities of theatre production. Itincludes sections on historiography, the censorship and regulation of drama, theatre and the Romantic canon, women and the stage, and the performance of race and empire.

The Oxford Handbook of the Georgian Theatre 1737-1832 provides a comprehensive guide to theatre of the Georgian era across the range of dramatic forms.