Sebanyak 66 item atau buku ditemukan

International Marketing Strategy

Analysis, Development, and Implementation

Marketing Strategy

This text works through the various stages in formulating and implementing strategy, beginning with an analysis of the firm's current status, developing where the firm should be going, and concluding with an explanation of techniques for maintaining competitive position. Students' learning is supported throughout the text with strong pedagogical features that illustrate marketing strategy in practice.

This text works through the various stages in formulating and implementing strategy, beginning with an analysis of the firm's current status, developing where the firm should be going, and concluding with an explanation of techniques for ...

Strategic Business Marketing

This text offers information about the nature and techniques of marketing applied to industrial products and services, businesses and public sector undertakings. It includes new material on internationalism, the growth in regionalism, the EU, Pacific Basin countries, NAFTA and Eastern Europe.

This text offers information about the nature and techniques of marketing applied to industrial products and services, businesses and public sector undertakings.

Strategic Marketing Planning

Whilst there are a number of books available on marketing planning, they are predominantly how to texts: this book is a serious and in-depth treatment of the specialist aspects of marketing planning. The various topics dealt with include a review of marketing strategy which examines the main strategic planning tools; competitive marketing strategy, which explains and reviews the concepts and applications; marketing planning and corporate culture; expert systems in strategic marketing planning; and the role of marketing in the future - the challenges for business and management education.

Whilst there are a number of books available on marketing planning, they are predominantly how to texts: this book is a serious and in-depth treatment of the specialist aspects of marketing planning.

Kiat membuat promosi penjualan secara efektif dan terencana

langkah praktis mempersiapkan promosi penjualan dan perusahaan fasa

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