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Progress in Drug Research

Viral clones harboring this amino acid substitution display moderate resistance to
zidovudine and zalcitabine, and low resistance to other nucleoside analogues [
106, 107]. However, further acquisition of additional mutations, such as A62V, ...

mHealth: From Smartphones to Smart Systems

Miniature, low-cost, high-performance sensors can measure a variety of physical,
chemical and biological parameters.2 Wireless connectivity is increasingly
available with higher performance at a lower cost and in smaller form and lower ...

Tout le DEAVS - MCAD en fiches mémos - DE auxiliaire de vie sociale, MC aide à domicile

Tout le programme du Diplôme d'état d'auxiliaire de vie sociale et de la Mention complémentaire d'aide à domicile sous forme de fiches mémos illustrées. Toutes les connaissances et définitions incontournables pour réviser les 6 domaines de formation du DEAVS-MCAD :

Tout le programme du Diplôme d'état d'auxiliaire de vie sociale et de la Mention complémentaire d'aide à domicile sous forme de fiches mémos illustrées.

Tout le DEAVS - MCAD en fiches mémos - DE auxiliaire de vie sociale, MC aide à domicile - 2e édition

Tout le programme de formation du Diplôme d’Etat d’auxiliaire de vie sociale (DEAVS) sous forme de fiches pour réviser les modules 1 à 6 - Des fiches mémos avec l'essentiel des connaissances des 6 domaines de formation : connaissance de la personne, accompagnement et aide individualisée dans les actes essentiels de la vie quotidienne, accompagnement dans la vie sociale et relationnelle, accompagnement et aide dans les actes ordinaires de la vie quotidienne, participation à la mise en œuvre, au suivi et à l’évaluation du projet individualisé, communication professionnelle et vie institutionnelle - Toutes les définitions incontournables - Des synthèses sur le rôle du professionnel pour comprendre son champ d'actions dans chaque domaine - Des planches anatomiques et schémas en couleurs L'essentiel pour réviser

Tout le programme de formation du Diplôme d’Etat d’auxiliaire de vie sociale (DEAVS) sous forme de fiches pour réviser les modules 1 à 6 - Des fiches mémos avec l'essentiel des connaissances des 6 domaines de formation : ...

Strategic Marketing For Health Care Organizations

Building A Customer-Driven Health System

This much-needed text offers an authoritative introduction to strategic marketing in health care and presents a wealth of ideas for gaining the competitive edge in the health care arena. Step by step the authors show how real companies build and implement effective strategies. It includes marketing approaches through a wide range of perspectives: hospitals, physician practices, social marketing, international health, managed care, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology. With Strategic Marketing for Health Care Organizations, students and future administrators will have a guide to the most successful strategies and techniques, presented ready to apply by the most knowledgeable authors.

This much-needed text offers an authoritative introduction to strategic marketing in health care and presents a wealth of ideas for gaining the competitive edge in the health care arena.

Platinum and Other Heavy Metal Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy

Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications

Cisplatin, the first member of the family of platinum-containing chemotherapeutic agents, was discovered by Barnett Rosenberg in 1965 and approved by the FDA for marketing in 1978. After 30 years of use in the clinic, cisplatin remains a central element of many treatment regimens. Cisplatin is still an irreplaceable component of a regimen that produces high cure rates in even advanced nonseminomatous germ-cell cancers, and is widely used in the treatment of ovarian cancers and other gynecologic cancers, head and neck, and numerous other tumor types. The development of carboplatin has reduced some of the adverse events associated with cisplatin treatment, and the introduction of the DACH platinum compound oxaliplatin has broadened the spectrum of activity of the platinums to include gastro-intestinal cancers, especially colorectal cancer. The clinical importance of this family of drugs continues to drive investigation into how these drugs work and how to improve their efficacy and reduce their toxicity. The papers in this volume were presented in Verona, Italy, during the tenth International Symposium on Platinum Coordination Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy. The symposium was jointly organized by the Department of Oncology of the Mater Salutis Hospital – Azienda Sanitaria Locale 21 of the Veneto Region – and by the Department of Medicine and Public Health, Section of Pharmacology, the University of Verona. They reflect the vitality of this field and the increasing use of new molecular and cell biologic, genetic, and biochemical tools to identify approaches to further improve their use.

This is the Tenth Symposium on Platinum and Other Metal Coordination
Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy, and its highlights provide further
confirmation of the value of scientific investment in this area of therapeutic
research. Keywords ...

The Moon and Madness

Lunacy, the legendary notion of minds unhinged by the moon, continues to captivate the popular imagination. Although it violates the assumptions of modern science and psychiatry, such belief remains common among mental health workers. Furthermore, several studies have found a small, unexplained correlation between behaviour and the lunar cycle. The book is divided into two parts. It begins with a historical account of the lunacy concept, followed by an investigation of hypothetical mechanisms for a lunar effect.

For imprisoning the Hundred-Handed and Cyclopes in the body of Gaia, Ouranos
was castrated by Kronos, his eldest son. Kronos ruled in the ... As punishment for
helping Kronos, Atlas was forced to carry Earth on his back. Zeus created ...

Inheriting the World

The Atlas of Children's Health and the Environment

More than three million children die every year due to unhealthy environments. This atlas tackles issues as diversd as the devastating and largely unknown impact of indoor air pollution, the unfashionable tragedy of sanitation, and complex emerging issues like climate change. Full-color maps and graphics demonstrate the threats that children face everywhere, and underscore the impact of poverty on children's health.

The Atlas of Children's Health and the Environment Bruce Allan Gordon, Richard
Mackay, Eva Rehfuess. Dying on the roads | FINLAND Deaths due to road traffic
accidents of children aged 0–14 years | * * - per 100,000 | - - 2002 at "#" by ...