Sebanyak 11 item atau buku ditemukan

Prosiding Seminar Pemberdayaan Aset Perekonomian Rakyat Melalui Strategi Kemitraan Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam di Kabupaten Jember

Collaborative partnership for natural resources management in Jember, Indonesia.

Karena pada dasarnya kemitraan merupakan upaya pembangunan secara utuh
untuk secara bersama - sama memanfaatkan peluang bisnis dalam rangka
peningkatan pendapatan dan taraf hidup petani . Namun demikian kemitraan
usaha ...

Proceedings of the United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources, 17 August - 6 September, 1949, Lake Success, New York: Wildlife and fish resources

For that purpose in most cases, large-scale exploitation will be necessary, at
least in the first ten or fifteen years. Plans in this direction are ... between growing
rice. Where and if enough water is available, Indonesian inventiveness has found
methods to cultivate some kind of fish or shrimp, under almost ... In the meantime
the field enjoys a kind of wet fallow, a period in which weeds arc killed in the mud
and the humus and mineral content of the soil is restored. The most intensive
type ...

Proceedings of the United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources, 17 August - 6 September, 1949, Lake Success, New York: Land resources

The first migration project started in pre-war Indonesia aimed to achieve in 1947
an annual quota of 100,000 people, which would have undoubtedly been
surpassed if war had not abruptly ended this important development scheme.
The method of ... of the year. During these periods of fallow, weed growth is
abundant and, when ploughed under, enough humus is formed to secure the 565

Proceedings of the United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources, 17 August - 6 September, 1949, Lake Success, New York: Water resources

(Indonesia). ABSTRACT Outlines are given of the influence of irrigation water on
different soils in Java, referring also to the peculiarities of tropical agriculture i rice
growing in water, mostly without any use of manure or fertilizers. The three major
soil types : laterite, marl and limestone soils ... It is probable that the relatively
great depth to which the roots of dry monsoon crops and weeds penetrate, has a
favourable influence on the fertility of the soil. led the author to the conclusion that

Pengelolaan sumberdaya alam Indonesia

perspektif ekonomi, etika, dan praksis kebijakan

Land use and natural resources conservation in Indonesia.

Informasi mengenai kriteria tersebut hendaknya dapat diakses oleh masyarakat
luas, misalnya pihak perbankan dan lembaga keuangan lainnya. Ketiga,
memperbaiki penegakan hukum dan kebijakan di tingkat pemerintah daerah dan

Indikator sosial budaya dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam secara lestari

Sociocultural indicators of natural resources management in Indonesia.

... angkutan, pergudangan, dan komunikasi; lembaga keuangan, real estat,
usaha persewaan, dan jasa perusahaan; jasa ... menjadi perdagangan besar
dan eceran, reparasi mobil, sepeda motor, serta barang-barang keperluan
pribadi dan ...

Kompleksitas Permasalahan Lingkungan Hidup

Issues on environmental management and protection in Indonesia; collected articles.

Issues on environmental management and protection in Indonesia; collected articles.