Sebanyak 181 item atau buku ditemukan

Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah

Regional planning and rural development in Indonesia.

Paradigma Baru Perencanaan Pengembangan Wilayah Secara historis
kegagalan program-program pembangunan di dalam mencapai tujuannya
seringkali bukan semata-mata kegagalan di dalam program atau pelaksanaan
pembangunan itu sendiri tetapi ada sumbangan “kesalahan” karena
berkembangnya kepercayaan terhadap kebenaran teori-teori atau konsep-
konsep pembangunan yang melandasinya. Teoriteori pembangunan selalu
berkembang dan mengalami koreksi, ...

An SPSS Companion to Political Analysis, 4th Edition

In this much-anticipated revision of the popular SPSS workbook, students dive headfirst into actual political data and work with a software tool that prepares them for future political-science research. Students learn by doing with guided examples, more than 120 screenshots, and step-bystep instructions. Compatible with all releases of SPSS (12.0 through 19.0, as well as the student version), the new Fourth Edition includes brand-new or completely revised exercises. Two new data sets (2008 NES and 2008 GSS) and two revised data sets (on the 50 states and on 191 countries of the world) feature an expanded number of variables to provide greater latitude for performing original analysis.

In this much-anticipated revision of the popular SPSS workbook, students dive headfirst into actual political data and work with a software tool that prepares them for future political-science research.

Etika Politik Pejabat Negara

Buku ini menyandang gelar “Winner of the American Political Science Association’s Gladys M. Kammerer Award for the best political science publication in 1987 in the field of US. Nation policy.” Tidak mengherankan bila di Amerika Serikat, begitu terbit, buku ini langsung dijadikan salah satu buku teks pilihan dalam kuliah Etika Politik Pejabat Negara. Namun buku ini, untuk kita di Indonesia barangkali cukup berat untuk dibaca oleh kalangan umum. Disamping perbedaan kultur, mereka yang cukup asing dengan dunia filsafat moral dan filsafat politik, serta tidak tahan dalam mengikuti argument-argumen yang cukup ‘njelimet’, mungkin akan merasa buku ini tidak semenarik buku-buku lain tentang politik. Kepada para etikawan politik dan para ilmuwan politik yang meminati dimensi etis dari wilayah bidang kajian studi mereka, buku yang tidak mudah ini dipersembahkan

Buku ini menyandang gelar “Winner of the American Political Science Association’s Gladys M. Kammerer Award for the best political science publication in 1987 in the field of US. Nation policy.” Tidak mengherankan bila di Amerika ...

Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2000

Annotation This 12th Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics focuses mainly on four areas: new development thinking, crises and recovery, corporate governance and restructuring, and social security including public and private savings.

Volatility William Easterly, Roumeen Islam, and Joseph E. Stiglitz This article
explores the relationship between volatility in economic growth and various
institutional factors. Its main hypothesis is that in explaining volatility, the
traditional macroeconomic literature has overemphasized such factors as wage
and price rigidities and underemphasized factors relating to the financial system.
The financial system may act as a stabilizer that helps to cushion consumers and
producers from ...

Central Asia's Second Chance

A leading authority on Central Asia offers a sweeping review of the region's path from independence to the post-9/11 world. The first decade of Central Asian independence was disappointing for those who envisioned a straightforward transition from Soviet republics to independent states with market economies and democratic political systems. Leaders excused political failures by pointing to security risks, including the presence of terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. The situation changed dramatically after 9/11, when the camps were largely destroyed and the United States introduced a military presence. More importantly the international community engaged with these states to give them a "second chance" to address social and economic problems. But neither the aid-givers nor the recipients were willing to approach problems in new ways. Now, terrorists groups are once again making their presence felt and some states may be becoming global security risks. This book explores how the region squandered its second chance and what might happen next.

Unexpected. Chance. The. terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11,
2001, demonstrated what can happen when the international community turns its
back on a region—in this case, Afghanistan and its neighbors—and its problems.
Yet despite all the money subsequently devoted to the war on terror and to
preventing a repeat of the circumstances that allowed Al Qaeda to thrive, the
prospect of new failed states developing in Central Asia is greater today than it
was then.

The Myth of Mondragon

Cooperatives, Politics, and Working Class Life in a Basque Town

Shows how the creation of an idealized image of the Mondragon cooperatives is part of a new global ideology that promotes cooperative labor-management relations in order to discredit labor unions and working-class organizations.

This is the first critical account of the internationally renowned Mondragon cooperatives of the Basque region of Spain.

Data Mining and Data Analysis for Counterterrorism

Defeating terrorism requires a nimble intelligence apparatus that operates actively within the United States and makes use of advanced information technology. This report makes practical recommendations for guidelines and controls.

Defeating terrorism requires a nimble intelligence apparatus that operates actively within the United States and makes use of advanced information technology. This report makes practical recommendations for guidelines and controls.

Pemilu dan perilaku memilih, 1955-2004

Dalam konteks semacam ini, isu kesenjangan ini sebenarnya tidak jauh berbeda
dengan mengangkat isu kemiskinan di atas, kalau pun ada perbedaan mungkin
hanya terletak pada manajemen substansi isunya: dari persoalan kemiskinan ...