Sebanyak 11 item atau buku ditemukan

Pemasaran keluaran pertanian

Bab6 Analisis Lanjutan Tentang Harga 6.1 Penentuan harga secara praktikal
Cara bagaimana penentuan harga berdasarkan kuasa-kuasa penawaran dan
permintaan memberikan output dan bagaimana ia berubah telah dikaji dertgan
teliti ...

Proceedings of the Conference on Weed Control in Rice, 31 August-4 September 1981

Paper presented at a workshop on weed control in small scale farms during the
6th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia. Moody, K.
1977b. ... Weed control in rice. Pages 374-424, Lecture note 30, in 5th BIOTROP
Weed Science Training Course Lecture Notes, 14 Nov-23 Dec 1977, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. Moody, K. 1979a. Exploiting cultivar differences to improve
weed control. ... Pages 10-15 in Proceedings, first Philippine weed science
conference, Manila, ...