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Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences

This best-selling text is written for those who use, rather than develop statistical methods. Dr. Stevens focuses on a conceptual understanding of the material rather than on proving results. Helpful narrative and numerous examples enhance understanding and a chapter on matrix algebra serves as a review. Annotated printouts from SPSS and SAS indicate what the numbers mean and encourage interpretation of the results. In addition to demonstrating how to use these packages, the author stresses the importance of checking the data, assessing the assumptions, and ensuring adequate sample size by providing guidelines so that the results can be generalized. The book is noted for its extensive applied coverage of MANOVA, its emphasis on statistical power, and numerous exercises including answers to half. The new edition features: New chapters on Hierarchical Linear Modeling (Ch. 15) and Structural Equation Modeling (Ch. 16) New exercises that feature recent journal articles to demonstrate the actual use of multiple regression (Ch. 3), MANOVA (Ch. 5), and repeated measures (Ch. 13) A new appendix on the analysis of correlated observations (Ch. 6) Expanded discussions on obtaining non-orthogonal contrasts in repeated measures designs with SPSS and how to make the identification of cell ID easier in log linear analysis in 4 or 5 way designs Updated versions of SPSS (15.0) and SAS (8.0) are used throughout the text and introduced in chapter 1 A book website with data sets and more. Ideal for courses on multivariate statistics found in psychology, education, sociology, and business departments, the book also appeals to practicing researchers with little or no training in multivariate methods. Prerequisites include a course on factorial ANOVA and covariance. Working knowledge of matrix algebra is not assumed.

This best-selling text is written for those who use, rather than develop statistical methods. Dr. Stevens focuses on a conceptual understanding of the material rather than on proving results.


Dalam rangka mewujudkan visi dari Institut Agama Islam Negeri Parepare yaitu Pengemban Kajian Islam dan Akulturasi Budaya Berbasis Teknologi Informasi, maka seminar nasional mengangkat tema “MENYIKAPI PEMILU BERKEADABAN: WUJUDKAN DEMOKRASI YANG “MELEBBI WAREKKADANNA, MAKKEADAN AMPENA” (SOPAN DALAM BERTUTUR SANTUN DALAM BERPERILAKU). Tema ini sejalan dengan visi lembaga dan momentum pemilihan umum yang akan segera berlangsung. Seminar ini merupakan wadah publikasi hasil riset para ilmuwan dan professional baik lingkup pemerintah maupun non pemerintah untul saling bertukar gagasan guna menjawab tantangan pembangunan dewasa ini. Seminar nasional ini merupakan agenda tahunan dari IAIN Parepare. Hal ini menjadi penting bagi lembaga pendidikan sebagai usaha mempertegas keberadaannya dalam mendorong masyarakat yang kontributif pada setiap isu pembangunan khususnya lingkup Ajattappareng. Setiap tahunnya panitia pelaksana seminar nasional mengangkat isu yang berbeda. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pembicara, panitia pelaksana, dan peserta atas kontribusi positifnya pada seminar nasional ini. Kami berharap semua yang terlibat di dalamnya mendapatkan banyak manfaatn dalam seminar ini.

Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pembicara, panitia pelaksana, dan peserta atas kontribusi positifnya pada seminar nasional ini. Kami berharap semua yang terlibat di dalamnya mendapatkan banyak manfaatn dalam seminar ini.

PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL “Membangun Generasi Emas 2045 yang Berkarakter dan Melek IT” dan Pelatihan “Berpikir Suprarasional”

Impian besar melahirkan Generasi Emas Indonesia di tahun 2045, tentunya tidak akan pernah bisa terwujud andaikata generasi masa kini masih saja berdiam diri, tak memperbaiki kinerja, tidak pula meningkatkan kualitas pribadi. Terlebih lagi, sekarang semakin tampak pula krisis karakter yang melanda bangsa ini, di samping jauhnya ketertinggalan di bidang IT. Oleh karena itu, hadirnya kegiatan seminar dan pelatihan nasional ini diharapkan menjadi salah satu langkah besar dalam menyiapkan generasi masa kini untuk lebih menghayati dan memahami perannya dalam membangun generasi masa depan yang kokoh karakternya dan mumpuni kemampuannya di bidang IT.

Berikut tahapan yang dilakukan dalam metode RAD: Tim 3 Tim 2 Pemodelan Bisnis Pemodelan Bisnis Pemodelan Bisnis Pemodelan Proses Tim 1 Pemodelan Data Pemodelan Data Pemodelan Proses Pemodelan Proses Pembuatan Aplikasi Pemodelan Data ...

Systematic Data Collection

Data collection in the field, whether by interviewing or other methods, can be carried out in a structured, systematic and scientific way. This volume compels field researchers to take very seriously not only what they hear, but what they ask. Ethnographers have often discovered too late that the value of their interview information is discounted as a consequence of poor sampling (of both questions and informants) and poor elicitation techniques. The authors focus on the importance of establishing the right questions to ask through the use of free listing techniques; then they describe in practical terms the administration of an impressive array of alternative kinds of informant task. They conclude with a discussion of reliability and validity of various methods which can be used to generate more systematic, culturally meaningful data.

Osgood and colleagues used rating scales to study the dimensions of meaning in
words. ... saturation, and brightness, Osgood and colleagues described the
dimensions of affective meaning as evaluative (good-bad), active (active-passive
), ...

Data Collection

Key Debates and Methods in Social Research

This innovative book provides students and researchers alike with an indispensible introduction to the key theoretical issues and practical methods needed for data collection. It uses clear definitions, relevant interdisciplinary examples from around the world and up-to-date suggestions for further reading to demonstrate how to usefully gather and use qualitative, quantitative, and mixed data sets. The book is divided into seven critical parts: • Data Collection: An Introduction to Research Practices • Collecting Qualitative Data • Observation and Informed Methods • Experimental and Systematic Data Collection • Survey Methods for Data Collection • The Case Study Method of Data Collection • Concluding Suggestions for Data Collection Groups A stimulating, practical guide which can be read as individual concepts or as a whole this will be an important resource for students and research professionals. Wendy Olsen is Senior Lecturer at Manchester University, Institute for Development Policy & Management and Cathie Marsh Centre for Census & Survey Research

The study of meaning is also called 'hermeneutics'. Hermeneutics recognises that
the meaning intended byatext'sauthor maynot betheonetaken byaparticular
audience.Exegesis ofthe Bibleor Koranwouldbekey examples.Tracing the ...

Statistics and Data Interpretation for Social Work

Written by a social worker for social work students, this is a nuts and bolts guide to statistics that presents complex calculations and concepts in clear, easy-to-understand language. It includes numerous examples, data sets, and issues that students will encounter in social work practice. The first section introduces basic concepts and terms to provide a solid foundation in statistics. It also addresses tools used by researchers to describe and summarize data ranging from single variables to assessing the relationship between variables and cause and effect among variables. The second section focuses on inferential statistics, describing how researchers draw conclusions about whole populations based on data from samples. This section also covers confidence intervals and a variety of significance tests for examining relationships between different types of variables. Additionally, tools for multivariate analyses and data interpretation are presented. Key Features: Addresses the role of statistics in evidence-based practice and program evaluation Features examples of qualitative and quantitative analysis Each chapter contains exercise problems and questions to enhance student learning Includes electronic data sets taken from actual social work arenas Offers a full ancillary digital packet including a student guide to SPSS with accompanying Data Set, an Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint slides, and a Test Bank

qualitative methods and statistics, 4, 352–353 qualitative variables definition, 5
variability, 40–41, 40t quantitative research methods, 4 quantitative variable, 5
quasi-experiments, 138 questions, answers to, 425–452 quotient, 409 R R2, 368
r ...

The Internet of Things

More objects and devices are connected to digital networks than ever before. Things - from your phone to your car, from the heating to the lights in your house - have gathered the ability to sense their environments and create information about what is happening. Things have become media, able to both generate and communicate information. This has become known as 'the internet of things'. In this accessible introduction, Graham Meikle and Mercedes Bunz observe its promises of convenience and the breaking of new frontiers in communication. They also raise urgent questions regarding ubiquitous surveillance and information security, as well as the transformation of intimate personal information into commercial data. Discussing the internet of things from a media and communication perspective, this book is an important resource for courses analysing the internet and society, and essential reading for anyone who wants to better understand the rapidly changing roles of our networked lives.

Discussing the internet of things from a media and communication perspective, this book is an important resource for courses analysing the internet and society, and essential reading for anyone who wants to better understand the rapidly ...

Conservation of Tropical Rainforests

A Review of Financial and Strategic Solutions

This book critically engages with how the conservation of tropical rainforests is financed. Beginning with the context of tropical deforestation, alongside an overview of tropical ecology, global environmental policy and finance, the book reviews several conservation financing instruments. These include ecotourism and private reserves, debt-for-nature swaps and government domestic budgetary expenditures for state and national parks. Tropical deforestation and forest degradation are serious global environmental issues, contributing to global climate change, species extinction, and threatening the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities. Yet, many leading companies, individuals and governments are making a positive impact on tropical forest conservation to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions through the use of conservation finance. Conservation of Tropical Rainforests tells the history of international conservation finance and provides a variety of options for individuals, businesses, and governments to support conservation financing projects.

This book critically engages with how the conservation of tropical rainforests is financed.

People of the Tropical Rain Forest

Looks at the depiction of tropical rain forests in movies and art, discusses government policy, business exploitation, and the future of the rain forest, and describes the lives of forest people in South America, Africa, and Asia

This volume looks at all the people who are involved.