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Learn Data Mining Through Excel

A Step-by-Step Approach for Understanding Machine Learning Methods

Use popular data mining techniques in Microsoft Excel to better understand machine learning methods. Software tools and programming language packages take data input and deliver data mining results directly, presenting no insight on working mechanics and creating a chasm between input and output. This is where Excel can help. Excel allows you to work with data in a transparent manner. When you open an Excel file, data is visible immediately and you can work with it directly. Intermediate results can be examined while you are conducting your mining task, offering a deeper understanding of how data is manipulated and results are obtained. These are critical aspects of the model construction process that are hidden in software tools and programming language packages. This book teaches you data mining through Excel. You will learn how Excel has an advantage in data mining when the data sets are not too large. It can give you a visual representation of data mining, building confidence in your results. You will go through every step manually, which offers not only an active learning experience, but teaches you how the mining process works and how to find the internal hidden patterns inside the data. What You Will Learn Comprehend data mining using a visual step-by-step approach Build on a theoretical introduction of a data mining method, followed by an Excel implementation Unveil the mystery behind machine learning algorithms, making a complex topic accessible to everyone Become skilled in creative uses of Excel formulas and functions Obtain hands-on experience with data mining and Excel Who This Book Is For Anyone who is interested in learning data mining or machine learning, especially data science visual learners and people skilled in Excel, who would like to explore data science topics and/or expand their Excel skills. A basic or beginner level understanding of Excel is recommended.

These are critical aspects of the model construction process that are hidden in software tools and programming language packages. This book teaches you data mining through Excel.

Pokok-Pokok Hukum Perpajakan

Pengetahuan dan wawasan tentang hukum perpajakan menjadi salah satu syarat mutlak bagi masyarakat, terutama bagi para petugas pajak maupun semua masyarakat yang menjadi wajib pajak. Jangan sampai petugas pajak maupun wajib pajak tersangkut masalah hukum hanya karena masalah sepele, yakni belum paham aturan pajak. Buku ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bekal bagi pembaca untuk mengetahui tentang dasar-dasar hukum pajak. Dalam materi buku ini diberikan juga contoh kasus agar dapat lebih mudah dipahami oleh pembaca. Susunan buku ini juga runtut sehingga pembaca dapat memahami pokok-pokok hukum pajak dari sejarah mula hukum pajak, subjek pajak, objek pajak, norma perhitungan sampai dengan adanya pengadilan pajakuntukmenanganiperkara tentangpajak. Untuk itu, tentu saja buku ini sangat cocok bagi dosen maupun mahasiswa hukum, praktisi hukum, praktisi atau konsultan pajak, maupun masyarakat umum sebagaiwajib pajak. Buku persembahan penerbit MediaPressindoGroup

Pengetahuan dan wawasan tentang hukum perpajakan menjadi salah satu syarat mutlak bagi masyarakat, terutama bagi para petugas pajak maupun semua masyarakat yang menjadi wajib pajak.

Hukum Pidana Internasional

Hukum pidana internasional mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat pasca-Perang Dunia II. Perang Dunia II merupakan sejarah kelam dalam peradaban manusia sekaligus laboratorium bagi perkembangan hukum pidana internasional. Selain itu, kondisi di penghujung dan awal milenium ini juga membawa banyak perubahan dalam hukum pidana internasional. Hukum pidana internasional adalah disiplin ilmu yang merupakan gabungan dari ilmu hukum pidana dan hukum Internasional, baik hukum materiil maupun hukum formalnya. Buku ini disusun ke dalam empat bagian. Bagian ke satu merupakan bagian pendahuluan yang menguraikan tentang hubungan antara hukum nasional dan hukum internasional, kedudukan hukum pidana internasional dalam ilmu hukum; istilah hukum pidana internasional; sejarah perkembangan hukum pidana internasional; serta asas-asas hukum pidana internasional. Bagian kedua membahas tentang tindak pidana internasional; jenis-jenis tindak pidana internasional; subjek hukum pidana internasional; pertanggungjawaban pidana dalam tindak pidana internasional; serta tindak pidana transnasional dan transnasional terorganisasi. Bagian ketiga membahas tentang peradilan pidana internasional sementara atau ad hoc, antara lain: Peradilan Nuremberg, Tokyo, Yugoslavia, dan Rwanda. Selain itu dibahas pula peradilan internasional ad hoc campuran (hybrid model) di mana di dalamnya mengulas tentang Peradilan Sierra Leone, Kosovo, Kamboja, dan Timor Timur. Bagian keempat yang merupakan bagian terakhir membahas tentang Mahkamah Pidana Internasional (International Criminal Court). Buku ini patut dijadikan referensi oleh kalangan akademisi dan praktisi di bidang hukum pidana internasional. Selain itu, dapat menjadi bahan rujukan bagi mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum (konsentrasi Hukum Pidana dan Hukum Internasional), mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (konsentrasi Hubungan Internasional), serta masyarakat umum yang tertarik pada kajian hukum pidana internasional. Buku persembahan penerbit MediaPressindoGroup

Hukum pidana internasional mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat pasca-Perang Dunia II. Perang Dunia II merupakan sejarah kelam dalam peradaban manusia sekaligus laboratorium bagi perkembangan hukum pidana internasional.

233 Tanya Jawab Seputar Hukum Bisnis

Dasar Pengetahuan tentang Hukum Bisnis Beserta Ruang Lingkupnya. Mengupas Berbagai Aspek Badan Usaha, Lembaga Pembiayaan, Pasar Modal, Monopoli, Merger, Ketenagakerjaan, HAKI, Perlindungan Konsumen, dan lain-lain. Kupas Tuntas Kasus Hukum Bisnis dan Solusinya. Pada saat ini, perekonomian Indonesia lebih berkembang bila dibandingkan dengan beberapa tahun yang silam. Keadaan ini bisa dilihat dari kegiatan-kegiatan bisnis yang terus meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Berkembangnya perekonomian Indonesia bukan berarti meninggalkan persoalan yang melingkupinya. Kegiatan bisnis tetap memiliki persoalan-persoalannya sendiri. Karena kegiatan bisnis dibangun atas dasar kepentingan antarmanusia maka tidak jarang terjadi pelanggaran atau kecurangan dalam praktiknya. Inilah alasannya mengapa hukum bisnis itu diperlukan. Kehadiran hukum bisnis untuk mencegah atau meminimalisasi kecurangan terhadap kepentingan manusia dalam hubungan bisnis itu. Buku persembahan penerbit MediaPressindoGroup

Dasar Pengetahuan tentang Hukum Bisnis Beserta Ruang Lingkupnya.

Building Great Software Engineering Teams

Recruiting, Hiring, and Managing Your Team from Startup to Success

Building Great Software Engineering Teams provides engineering leaders, startup founders, and CTOs concrete, industry-proven guidance and techniques for recruiting, hiring, and managing software engineers in a fast-paced, competitive environment. With so much at stake, the challenge of scaling up a team can be intimidating. Engineering leaders in growing companies of all sizes need to know how to find great candidates, create effective interviewing and hiring processes, bring out the best in people and their work, provide meaningful career development, learn to spot warning signs in their team, and manage their people for long-term success. Author Josh Tyler has spent nearly a decade building teams in high-growth startups, experimenting with every aspect of the task to see what works best. He draws on this experience to outline specific, detailed solutions augmented by instructive stories from his own experience. In this book you’ll learn how to build your team, starting with your first hire and continuing through the stages of development as you manage your team for growth and success. Organized to cover each step of the process in the order you’ll likely face them, and highlighted by stories of success and failure, it provides an easy-to-understand recipe for creating your high-powered engineering team.What you’ll learn Effective techniques for finding engineering candidates for your company, including how to make your company more attractive to prospective employees and tips for navigating the employment visa process How to leverage commonly overlooked resources for finding employees, such as hiring from other geographic regions and how to approach college recruiting How to successfully hire the best candidates, from first contact through making an offer and getting it accepted How to manage engineers for optimum morale and performance, foster confidence throughout your organization, and promote career development for your team members What to expect as you build an engineering team: common challenges, growing pains, and solutions How to use team-building skills to propel your career as individual contributor Who this book is for The primary audience is engineering leaders, startup founders, CTOs, and others tasked with building an engineering team to fulfill their company’s mission. The secondary audience is any engineering manager or senior engineer interested in learning more about how to hire or manage engineers effectively. Table of Contents The Challenge of Building an Engineering Team from the Ground Up An Enlightened Approach to Recruiting Six Destructive Myths about Recruiting Software Engineers Eight Steps to Recruiting Success Hiring Is Hard The Myth of the Ninja Rockstar Developer The Hiring Decision Checklist Making Interviews Fun for Your Team Why We Don’t Allow Java in Job Interviews Do I Want to be a Manager? A Manager’s Most Important Deliverable Technical vs Management Tracks: Helping Your People Grow Tricks of the Trade for Engineering Managers Advice to Give Engineers on Finding a Great Job and Growing in Their Careers

In this book you’ll learn how to build your team, starting with your first hire and continuing through the stages of development as you manage your team for growth and success.

Building a Data Warehouse

With Examples in SQL Server

Building a Data Warehouse: With Examples in SQL Server describes how to build a data warehouse completely from scratch and shows practical examples on how to do it. Author Vincent Rainardi also describes some practical issues he has experienced that developers are likely to encounter in their first data warehousing project, along with solutions and advice. The relational database management system (RDBMS) used in the examples is SQL Server; the version will not be an issue as long as the user has SQL Server 2005 or later. The book is organized as follows. In the beginning of this book (chapters 1 through 6), you learn how to build a data warehouse, for example, defining the architecture, understanding the methodology, gathering the requirements, designing the data models, and creating the databases. Then in chapters 7 through 10, you learn how to populate the data warehouse, for example, extracting from source systems, loading the data stores, maintaining data quality, and utilizing the metadata. After you populate the data warehouse, in chapters 11 through 15, you explore how to present data to users using reports and multidimensional databases and how to use the data in the data warehouse for business intelligence, customer relationship management, and other purposes. Chapters 16 and 17 wrap up the book: After you have built your data warehouse, before it can be released to production, you need to test it thoroughly. After your application is in production, you need to understand how to administer data warehouse operation. What you’ll learn A detailed understanding of what it takes to build a data warehouse The implementation code in SQL Server to build the data warehouse Dimensional modeling, data extraction methods, data warehouse loading, populating dimension and fact tables, data quality, data warehouse architecture, and database design Practical data warehousing applications such as business intelligence reports, analytics applications, and customer relationship management Who this book is for There are three audiences for the book. The first are the people who implement the data warehouse. This could be considered a field guide for them. The second is database users/admins who want to get a good understanding of what it would take to build a data warehouse. Finally, the third audience is managers who must make decisions about aspects of the data warehousing task before them and use the book to learn about these issues.

For example, data definition metadata helps new users understand the meaning
of each fact and dimension attribute, along with its sample values. Data definition
metadata also helps avoid misunderstanding among existing users about the ...

Android Quick APIs Reference

The Android Quick APIs Reference is a condensed code and APIs reference for the new Google Android 5.0 SDK. It presents the essential Android APIs in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won’t find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons, or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a software development kit and APIs reference that is concise, to the point and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any mobile or Android app developer or programmer. In the Android Quick APIs Reference, you will find a concise reference to the Android SDK and its APIs using the official Android Studio IDE. This reference is small and handy and ideal for taking with you to your appointments with your clients.

It presents the essential Android APIs in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won’t find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons, or witty stories in this book.

Learn Android Studio 3 with Kotlin

Efficient Android App Development

Build Android apps using the popular and efficient Android Studio 3 suite of tools, an integrated development environment (IDE) with which Android developers can now use the Kotlin programming language. With this book, you’ll learn the latest and most productive tools in the Android tools ecosystem, ensuring quick Android app development and minimal effort on your part. Along the way, you’ll use Android Studio to develop apps tier by tier through practical examples. These examples cover core Android topics such as Activities, Intents, BroadcastReceivers, Services and AsyncTask. Then, you’ll learn how to publish your apps and sell them online and in the Google Play store. What You’ll Learn Use Android Studio 3 to quickly and confidently build your first Android apps Build an Android user interface using activities and layouts, event handling, images, menus and the action bar Incorporate new elements including fragments Learn how data is persisted Use Kotlin to build apps Who This Book Is For Those who may be new to Android Studio 3 or Android Studio in general. You may or may not be new to Android development in general. Some prior experience with Java is also recommended.

With this book, you’ll learn the latest and most productive tools in the Android tools ecosystem, ensuring quick Android app development and minimal effort on your part.

Android Studio New Media Fundamentals

Content Production of Digital Audio/Video, Illustration and 3D Animation

This book is a brief primer covering concepts central to digital imagery, digital audio and digital illustration using open source software packages such as GIMP, Audacity and Inkscape. These are used for this book because they are free for commercial use. The book builds on the foundational concepts of raster, vector and waves (audio), and gets more advanced as chapters progress, covering what new media assets are best for use with Android Studio as well as key factors regarding the data footprint optimization work process and why it is important. What You Will Learn• What are the primary genres of new media content production• What new media assets Android Studio supports• What are the concepts behind new media content production• How to Install and use GIMP, Inkscape, and Audacity software• How to integrate that software with Android Studio, fast becoming the most popular IDE for Android apps design and development Audience Primary audience includes Android developers, especially game designers/developers and others who need access to multimedia elements. Secondary: multimedia producers, RIA developers, game designers, UI designers, and teachers.

This book is a brief primer covering concepts central to digital imagery, digital audio and digital illustration using open source software packages such as GIMP, Audacity and Inkscape.

Learn Android Studio

Build Android Apps Quickly and Effectively

Learn Android Studio covers Android Studio and its rich tools ecosystem, including Git and Gradle: this book covers how Android Studio works seamlessly with Git, for source control, and Gradle, a build and test tool. In addition, this book demonstrates how to develop/collaborate with remote Git web-hosting services such as GitHub and Bitbucket. Four complete Android projects accompany this volume and are available for download from a public Git repository. With this book, you learn the latest and most productive tools in the Android tools ecosystem, and the best practices for Android app development. You will be able to take away the labs' code as templates or frameworks to re-use and customize for your own similar apps. Android Studio is an intuitive, feature-rich, and extremely forgiving Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This IDE is more productive and easier to use for your Android app creations than Eclipse. With this book you will quickly master Android Studio and maximize your Android development time. Source code on the remote web-hosting service is targeted to the latest Android Studio release, version 1.2.

Learn Android Studio covers Android Studio and its rich tools ecosystem, including Git and Gradle: this book covers how Android Studio works seamlessly with Git, for source control, and Gradle, a build and test tool.