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The Clockmaker

Series One, Two and Three

In 1835 Thomas Chandler Haliburton introduced Samuel Slick of Slicksville, Connecticut, into the pages of the Novascotian in order to awaken his fellow citizens to the economic opportunities of their province. From this Halifax newspaper trotted out the Connecticut Yankee, manufacturer and seller of clocks, with his original dialect and unique comic vision, to become the chief character in three series of The Clockmaker published between 1836 and 1840.

Du Canada (1931). He was also referred to in several entries — Halifax, Windsor,
Nova Scotia, and Haliburton, Ontario, for example — in Albert and Theresa
Moritz's The Oxford Illustrated Literary Guide to Canada, published in 1987.
Especially from the latter part of the nineteenth century, Haliburton has been
considered a major writer in Canadian literature. In 1884 Charles G. D. Roberts
and F. Blake Crofton were among the founders of a literary society at King's
College, Windsor, ...

Emotional and Interpersonal Dimensions of Health Services

Enriching the Art of Care with the Science of Care

While technological and biomedical breakthroughs have provided a remarkable array of tests, equipment, drugs, and procedures for diagnosing and treating acute diseases, modern medicine and professional health practices have not taken the same strides in the more human aspects of care. Emotional and Interpersonal Dimensions of Health Services considers ways modern health care practices could benefit from paying more attention to the "science of care." Contributors examine the degree to which the provision of health care is influenced by characteristics of the health service organization, such as the administrative structure and the human resources available. They demonstrate that job satisfaction and conditions play an important role in shaping the quality and effectiveness of care and discuss the emotional support health care providers need to avoid long-term exhaustion and ensure well being. The contributors identify qualities of the client-provider interaction that lead to positive health care outcomes, such as providing information, responding to patient concerns, facilitating interactions with the health care system, and encouraging participation in personal health care and offer examples of innovative conceptual and analytical approaches to better health care practices. Contributors include Heather Boon (University of Toronto), Laurette Dubé, Carole A. Estabrooks (University of Alberta), Guylaine Ferland, Arlie Russell Hochschild (University of California, Berkley), Diane M. Irvine Doran (University of Toronto), Terrence Montague (Merck Frosst Canada), D.S. Moskowitz, Richard W.J. Neufeld (University of Western Ontario), Gilbert Pinard (McGill University), Debra L. Roter (John Hopkins Blooomberg School of Public Health), Dana Gelb Safran (New England Medical Center), and Krista K. Trobst (York University).

Enriching the Art of Care with the Science of Care Laurette Dubé, Guylaine
Ferland, Debbie S. Moskowitz, McGill ... The Revised Multitrait Attribute Program,
a microcomputer software application for psychometric testing, was used to test
these ...