Sebanyak 151 item atau buku ditemukan

Reliability Engineering

9.2 Sandler, G.H. , System Reliability Engineering, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-
Hall, 1963. 9.3 Stewart, R.G., "A causal definition of failure rate", IEEE Trans.
Reliability, Vol. R-15, pp. 95-U4, December 1966. 9.4 Harris, CM. and D.
Singpurwalla, ...

Computer Architecture and Organization

Design Principles and Applications

This book provides a comprehensive coverage of the architecture and organization of modern computers. Based on a practitioner s insights, the book focuses on the basic principles and dwells on the complex details of commercial computers.

Very long instruction word architecture exploits the Instruction-Level Parallelism (
ILP) in programs by simultaneously executing more than one basic instruction.
The VLIW architecture follows a static scheduling. The compiler translates high ...

Simulation Using ProModel

Simulation Using ProModel covers the art and science of simulation in general and the use of ProModel simulation software in particular. The text blends theory with practice. Actual applications in business, services and manufacturing and a hands-on approach to simulation, including real-world simulation projects, are emphasized. The third edition of Simulation Using ProModel reflects the most recent version of the ProModel software in all the examples and labs as well as expanded coverage on generating random variates and design of experiments. Additionally, the lead author is founder and Chief Technology Advisor for ProModel Corporation.

Simulation Using ProModel covers the art and science of simulation in general and the use of ProModel simulation software in particular. The text blends theory with practice.

Modern Power System Analysis

This quasi-static approach is, to a large extent, the only practical approach at
present, since dynamic analysis and optimization are considerably more difficult
and computationally more time consuming. System security can be said to
comprise ...

An Introduction to Programming

An Object-oriented Approach with C++

This introductory text teaches students with no programming background how to write object-oriented programs. Students learn programming basics through the use of predefined Graphics User Interface (GUI) objects. By using these objects, students will grasp the concepts and benefits of object-oriented programming. In the later part of the book, students learn to define their own objects and develop programs using object-oriented design methodology. Modern programming topics, such as event-driven programming, are also covered.

This introductory text teaches students with no programming background how to write object-oriented programs.

Simulation Modeling and Analysis with Expertfit Software

Since the publication of the first edition in 1982, the goal of Simulation Modeling and Analysis has always been to provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art, and technically correct treatment of all important aspects of a simulation study. The book strives to make this material understandable by the use of intuition and numerous figures, examples, and problems. It is equally well suited for use in university courses, simulation practice, and self study. The book is widely regarded as the “bible” of simulation and now has more than 100,000 copies in print. The book can serve as the primary text for a variety of courses; for example: • A first course in simulation at the junior, senior, or beginning-graduate-student level in engineering, manufacturing, business, or computer science (Chaps. 1 through 4, and parts of Chaps. 5 through 9). At the end of such a course, the students will be prepared to carry out complete and effective simulation studies, and to take advanced simulation courses. • A second course in simulation for graduate students in any of the above disciplines (most of Chaps. 5 through 12). After completing this course, the student should be familiar with the more advanced methodological issues involved in a simulation study, and should be prepared to understand and conduct simulation research. • An introduction to simulation as part of a general course in operations research or management science (part of Chaps. 1, 3, 5, 6, and 9).

Since the publication of the first edition in 1982, the goal of Simulation Modeling and Analysis has always been to provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art, and technically correct treatment of all important aspects of a simulation study.

Simulation modeling and analysis

This senior/graduate-level text is the classic text in its field and established itself as the authoritative source on the theory & practice of simulation over 15 years ago. It is used in most of the better schools of engineering and in some business programs as well.

This senior/graduate-level text is the classic text in its field and established itself as the authoritative source on the theory & practice of simulation over 15 years ago.