Sebanyak 10 item atau buku ditemukan

Strategic Marketing Channel Management

He serves as a member of the editorial review board of the Journal of Business
Logistics and the Annals of the Society of Logistics Engineers and is associate
editor of the International Marketing Review. Dr. Bowersox has authored over
100 articles on marketing, transportation, and logistics. He is author or co-author
of nine books, including Logistical Management, A Managerial Introduction to
Marketing, Introduction to Transportation, Physical Distribution Management,
Dynamic ...

Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML CD

This text is the first to present an object-oriented methodology from the outset for beginning Systems Analysis and Design students. It is the first book to introduce object-oriented methods without relying on classical methods to introduce key concepts and without requiring students to know Java or C++. The widely used UML notation --unified modeling language-- will be used throughout the book for all diagrams and model renderings. The key benefit to this approach is that it makes the course easier to teach since many students come to this course with limited backgrounds having only taken one introductory MIS course. Also, this approach is appealing because object-oriented methodology is widely used in industry.

This text is the first to present an object-oriented methodology from the outset for beginning Systems Analysis and Design students.

Beyond Total Quality Management

Toward the Emerging Paradigm

Beyond Total Quality Management, the first and only college textbook devoted entirely to TQM, is comprised of 12 conceptual chapters and a collection of chapter-length case studies. The conceptual chapters introduce students to the philosophies, methods and tools of TQM and suggest a new paradigm for management which goes beyond TQM as it is commonly viewed today. The case studies exemplify the concepts in practice and give students a context for discussing the practical applications of TQM. While maintaining a strong customer value orientation throughout, this text addresses the entire spectrum of issues related to TQM - from human resources management and organizational culture to customer value measurement and statistical quality control. This well-balanced approach is based on sound research and consistently reinforces the crucial link between TQM and business strategy.

While maintaining a strong customer value orientation throughout, this text addresses the entire spectrum of issues related to TQM - from human resources management and organizational culture to customer value measurement and statistical ...


a structured, disciplined style

An Introduction to Programming

An Object-oriented Approach with C++

This introductory text teaches students with no programming background how to write object-oriented programs. Students learn programming basics through the use of predefined Graphics User Interface (GUI) objects. By using these objects, students will grasp the concepts and benefits of object-oriented programming. In the later part of the book, students learn to define their own objects and develop programs using object-oriented design methodology. Modern programming topics, such as event-driven programming, are also covered.

This introductory text teaches students with no programming background how to write object-oriented programs.

The art of business programming

with dBase III plus and IV

Hence, the best we can do is test the program rigorously and systematically,
hoping we have covered most, if not all, its possible input patterns. The critical
role of software testing has given rise to a new profession: testing engineers. A
testing ...