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Tropical Rainforests Gr. 4-6

Included in this unit are 33 reproducible information cards and worksheets with answer keys. Topics of research include farming, hunting and fishing, harvesting, Amazon villages, family life, Amazon children, music and dancing, spirits of the forest, chiefs and warriors, and changing ways of life. 70 activities. 75 pages.

Tropical Rainforest Birds 1 3. Listen to music that reminds the children of the
jungle. 14. Compare your community to a Rainforest Community. 15. Have a "
Tarzan and Jane Day". Have everyone come dressed in the way they would if
they lived in the jungle. Tropical Rainforest Vocabulary Tropical Rainforest
Animals Types Of Monkeys Spider, Howlers, Uakaris, Woolley, Capuchins, Sakis,
Douroucoulis, Titis, Squirrel, Callimicos, Pygmy Marmosets, True Marosets,
Tamatins, Maned ...