Sebanyak 68 item atau buku ditemukan

Pengantar Akuntansi

Pembahasan buku ini akan dimulai dengan memperkenalkan terlebih dahulu kepada para pembaca tentang karakteristik perusahaan dan akuntansi. Setelah pembaca memahami dengan baik jenis-jenis perusahaan, siapa saja para pengguna informasi akuntansi, profesi akuntansi, asumsi dasar dan persamaan akuntansi, serta laporan keuangan, ulasan akan berlanjut pada serangkaian aktivitas yang ada dalam siklus akuntansi perusahaan, yang dimulai dengan proses pencatatan, proses penyesuaian, sampai pada penyelesaian siklus akuntansi itu sendiri. Setelah itu, buku ini juga akan membahas mengenai akuntansi untuk perusahaan dagang, pengendalian internal, akuntansi untuk kas, piutang, persediaan, aset tetap, kewajiban lancar, pembentukan dan likuidasi firma, transaksi ekuitas perseroan (modal pemegang aham), utang obligasi, investasi dalam saham dan obligasi, penyusunan laporan arus kas, analisis laporan keuangan, akuntansi manajemen, penganggaran, serta pusat responsibilitas. Buku ini paling lengkap (disertai dengan soal-soal latihan dan solusinya) sehingga sangat tepat untuk dimiliki dan dibaca sebagai bahan referensi bagi para mahasiswa yang ada di program studi akuntansi, manajemen, ekonomi pembangunan, maupun sistem informasi. Buku ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan praktek bagi para profesional yang bekerja dalam bidang akuntansi dan audit., maupun bagi pihak-pihak lainnya yang memang tertarik untuk mengenal dan mendalami prinsip akuntansi.

Pengantar Akuntansi II Bumi Aksara, 2009 3. Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah I
Bumi Aksara, 2009 4. Akuntansi Firma dan Perseroan Prenada Media, 2010 5.
Potret Profesi Audit Internal Alfa Beta, 2010 6. Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah II

Second Chance

When Tricia wakes up in a stranger’s home after a car accident, she doesn’t expect to be captivated by the man and his sons. Clayton had been alone, raising his sons after his wife’s death. He can not believe how this woman has opened up his heart.

Cheryl Moran. Second Chance Cheryl Moran Copyright © 2013 by Cheryl Moran.
ISBN: Softcover 978-1-4836-4047-1 Ebook. title page.

Lean in

Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

The Facebook chief operating officer and Fortune top-ranked businesswoman shares provocative, anecdotal advice for women that urges them to take risks and seek new challenges in order to find work that they can love and engage in passionately.

The Facebook chief operating officer and Fortune top-ranked businesswoman shares provocative, anecdotal advice for women that urges them to take risks and seek new challenges in order to find work that they can love and engage in ...

Sustainability in the Food Industry

Sustainability is beginning to transform the food industry with environmental, economic and social factors being considered, evaluated and implemented throughout the supply chain like never before. Sustainability in the Food Industry defines sustainability with a comprehensive review of the industry’s current approach to balancing environmental, economic and social considerations throughout the supply chain. In addition, tools and information are provided to enhance future progress. To achieve this, the book combines technical research summaries, case studies and marketing information. Coverage includes sustainability as it relates to: agricultural practices, food processing, distribution, waste management, packaging, life cycle analysis, food safety and health, environmental labeling, consumer insight and market demand, product development, practices in food manufacturing companies, food retailing and food service. An international group of authors covers the information from a global perspective. Sustainability in the Food Industry offers an overview of sustainable sources of impact and improvement, how they relate to the key sectors of the food industry and how programs may be implemented for further improvement.

In addition, tools and information are provided to enhance future progress. To achieve this, the book combines technical research summaries, case studies and marketing information.

The 10 Principles of Food Industry Sustainability

Although the food industry is beginning to make headway with its sustainability initiatives, substantially more progress is needed in order to feed the world’s growing population sustainably. The challenge is that the topic of sustainability can seem overwhelming and there is limited information that is specific to the food industry. Written by an experienced food industry professional with years of experience in sustainability, The 10 Principles of Food Industry Sustainability inspires and informs the progress required to nourish the population, revitalize natural resources, enhance economic development, and close resource loops. The book makes this complex topic approachable and actionable by identifying the most pressing sustainability priorities across the entire food supply chain and showing, with tools and examples, how producers, processors, packers, distributors, marketers and retailers all play a role in advancing improvement. The book begins with an overview of the Principles of sustainability in the food industry: what they are and why they matter. Subsequent chapters focus on each of the Ten Principles in detail: how they relate to the food industry, their global relevance (including their environmental, health, and social impacts), and the best practices to achieve the potential of meaningful and positive progress that the Principles offer. Specific examples from industry are presented in order to provide scalable solutions and bring the concepts to life, along with top resources for further exploration. The Principles, practices, and potential of sustainability in the food industry covered in this book are designed to be motivating and to offer a much-needed and clear way forward towards a sustainable food supply.

The Principles, practices, and potential of sustainability in the food industry covered in this book are designed to be motivating and to offer a much-needed and clear way forward towards a sustainable food supply.