Sebanyak 10 item atau buku ditemukan

Pengantar kedjalan ekonomi perusahaan

Seperti djuga dengan tukang seni , tukang teknik ini tak dapat ditewaskan oleh kemadjuan industri . Industri besar memang mengalahkan dan menghilangkan indus- tri ketjil , tetapi pertukangan tak dapat diusiknja .

Pengantar kedjalan ekonomi sosiologi

Bertani dan berkeradjinan ( industri ) ; 5. Bertani , berkeradjinan dan berniaga keluar negeri . Diukur dengan kedudukan teknik produksi , njatalah bahwa masa kedua lebih baik tekniknja dari pada masa pertama , jang sifatnja semata ...

Pengantar ke jalan ekonomi sosiologi

Bertani dan berkerajinan ( industri ) ; 5. Bertani , berkerajinan dan berniaga ke luar negeri . Diukur dengan kedudukan teknik produksi , nyatalah bahwa masa kedua lebih baik tekniknya daripada masa pertama , yang sifatnya semata - mata ...

Improve Your Global Business English

The Essential Toolkit for Writing and Communicating Across Borders

In a business world that spans several continents, it is no longer common for everyone to speak English as a first language. Whether you speak English as a first, second or even third language, intercultural business communication means that getting it right first time has never been more important for you and your organization. English can never be standardized in the global and digital marketplace; instead, we can learn how to customize business English according to our own values and culture and communicate successfully across borders. Improve Your Global Business English creates an awareness in the reader of what to avoid and how to ensure that communications are correctly understood. Very readable and hugely instructive, Improve Your Global Business English provides practical self-study with quizzes, activities and worksheets, helping you to fine-tune your written communication. By mastering the basics, defining your readers and tailoring your message to them, understanding the conventions of different media and understanding cultures, you can enhance your reputation as a truly global, modern player in today's marketplace. If you want your messages to be perceived as you intended, to retain customers or to win new ones, Improve Your Global Business English gives you the background you need. Online supporting resources for this book include supplementary video, self-test questions and answers, templates and a case study on going global

Online supporting resources for this book include supplementary video, self-test questions and answers, templates and a case study on going global

Pengantar Ke Jalan Ekonomi Sosiologi

Di Bern ia meninggalkan tuah, karena atas usahanya berdirilah Buro Statistik
Kanton Bern. Dalam tahun 1861 ... Ia menolak metode Ekonomi Klasika, akan
tetapi ia tidak memajukan paham baru sama sekali tentang sifat ekonomi.
Alirannya ...