Sebanyak 3 item atau buku ditemukan

Afghan Guerrilla Warfare

In the Words of the Mjuahideen Fighters

Provides reports from Mujahideen veterans and maps depicting locations and troop movements to explore how the Afghans fought a successful guerrilla war against their better-equipped and numerically superior Soviet enemies.

In the Words of the Mjuahideen Fighters Ali Ahmad Jalali, Lester W. Grau. The
Soviets painted numbers on boulders and ... Mohammad Shah's deputy, Haji Nur
Ahmad Khairkhaw, was in charge. We had gathered in the darkness discussing ...

The Other Side of the Mountain

Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War

When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, few experts believed that the fledgling Mujahideen resistance movement had a chance of withstanding the Soviet Army. in 1989, realizing they were trapped in an unwinnable war where they were suffering "death from a thousand cuts" by an intractable enemy who had no hope of winning, but fought on because it was the right thing to do, the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan. Few studies of guerrilla warfare from the guerrilla's perspective exist. To capture this perspective and the tactical experience of the Mujahideen, the United States Marine Corps commissioned this study and sent two retired combat veterans to interview Mujahideen. From those interviews has come this work, which tells the guerillas' story as interpreted by military professionals. This is a book about death and survival, adaptation and perseverance. It provides an understanding of guerrilla field craft, tactics, techniques and procedures.

Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War Ali Ahmad Jalali, Lester W. Grau.
The Soviets painted numbers on boulders and ... pausing only to lay some
antitank mines. Mohammad Shah's deputy, Haji Nur Ahmad Khairkhaw, was in

The Other Side of the Mountain: Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War

Ali Ahmad Jalali, Lester W. Grau ... Vignette 4 Surprised by the Soviets in the
Darae Nur12 by Doctor Mohammad Sadeq13 In March 1984, the DRA and
Soviet forces again tried to destroy the Mujahideen forces in the Darae Nur
Valley. A total ...