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Etika Profesi Manajemen

Perilaku etis dalam kegiatan berbisnis adalah sesuatu yang penting demi kelangsungan hidup bisnis itu sendiri. Bisnis yang tidak etis akan merugikan bisnis itusendiri terutama jika dilihat dari perspektif jangka panjang. Bisnis yang baik bukan saja bisnis yang menguntungkan, tetapi bisnis yang baik adalah selain bisnis tersebutmenguntungkan juga bisnis yang baik secara moral. Perilaku yang baik, juga dalamkonteks bisnis, merupakan perilaku yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai moral. Dalam Keperluan itulah buku berjudul Etika Profesi Manajemen ini penulis hadirkan agar kiranya dapat menjadi salah satu referensi dalam menambah wawasan setiap individu dalam beretika sesuai dengan profesi masing-masing individu karena penekanan profesi sendiri adalah salah hal terpenting dalam buku ini.

Dalam Keperluan itulah buku berjudul Etika Profesi Manajemen ini penulis hadirkan agar kiranya dapat menjadi salah satu referensi dalam menambah wawasan setiap individu dalam beretika sesuai dengan profesi masing-masing individu karena ...

Macroeconomics: Canadian Edition Updated

Fill-in questions; multiple-choice questions; exercises guide; problems; questions to think about; data questions.

Fill-in questions; multiple-choice questions; exercises guide; problems; questions to think about; data questions.

Macroeconomics (Canadian Edition)

Mankiw's masterful text covers the field as accessibly and concisely as possible, in a way that emphasizes the relevance of macroeconomics's classical roots and its current practice. Featuring the latest data, new case studies focused on recent events, and a number of significant content updates, the Fourth Edition takes the Mankiw legacy even further. It offers the clearest, most up-to-date, most accessible course in macroeconomics in the most concise presentation possible.

Featuring the latest data, new case studies focused on recent events, and a number of significant content updates, the Fourth Edition takes the Mankiw legacy even further.

Macroeconomics: Canadian Edition Study Guide

The guide offers various ways for students to learn the material in the text and assess their understanding.

To the Student Macroeconomics Canadian Edition by Gregory Mankiw and
William Scarth is an exciting textbook in which you will learn how to apply a
variety of economic models to some fascinating macroeconomic questions.
Although these ...

Principles Of Management Information System

Systematic Theology and Climate Change

Ecumenical Perspectives

This book offers the first comprehensive systematic theological reflection on arguably the most serious issue facing humanity and other creatures today. Responding to climate change is often left to scientists, policy makers and activists, but what understanding does theology have to offer? In this collection, the authors demonstrate that there is vital cultural and intellectual work for theologians to perform in responding to climate science and in commending a habitable way forward. Written from a range of denominations and traditions yet with ecumenical intent, the authors explore key Christian doctrines and engage with some of the profound issues raised by climate change. Key questions considered include: What may be said about the goodness of creation in the face of anthropogenic climate change? And how does theology handle a projected future without the human? The volume provides students and scholars with fascinating theological insight into the complexity of climate change.

172–73; and the extended discussion of this approach in David G. Horrell and
Dominic Coad, '“The Stones Would Cry Out” (Luke 19. 40): A Lukan Contribution
to a Hermeneutics of Creation's Praise', Scottish Journal of Theology, 64/1 (2010)
, ...