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Behaviour Driven Development with JavaScript

An Introduction to BDD with Jasmine

Improve your productivity with Behaviour Driven Development. Test Driven Development (TDD) has become a cornerstone of modern software craftsmanship. Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) takes it to the next level; it provides easier to use and a more readable syntax as well as many other improvements. If you haven't used Test Driven Development before, start with BDD, you will reap the benefits much faster. This book is a hands-on introduction on BDD. Using Jasmine, a BDD framework for JavaScript, you will learn step-by-step how to write maintainable specifications. You will see how to embed BDD in your daily coding and learn its do's and don'ts. When reading this book you will: Apply modern JavaScript techniques such as function expressions and ECMA5-object handling. Learn the mechanics and the process of BDD. Write specs with the popular Jasmine framework. Use specs as living documentation. Create data with Example Factories. Organize your specs in various ways, depending on the situation. Use expectations and code custom matchers. Drive new features from the outside in. Isolate your specs with mock objects and methods. Example project Meet Anna, Chris and Steve who are part of a fictional team that demonstrate BDD techniques step by step on a fictional project. You will get an idea of what it means to apply BDD in to a real industrial environment. Exercises and katas. As well as the theoretical foundation and practical examples, this book provides you with exercises and katas. Try out newly learnt techniques with real code and you’ll never forget them! What is BDD? Since BDD is often debated, there is one chapter dedicated to all of the questions and debates which regular arise. This book also delves in to the actual meaning of BDD and it highlights some surprising results which will possibly challenge you current point of view.

This book also delves in to the actual meaning of BDD and it highlights some surprising results which will possibly challenge you current point of view.