Sebanyak 31 item atau buku ditemukan

L’Antéchrist, Gog et Magog

Ce livre, particulièrement pertinent au vu des conflits et de l'agitation mondiale présents de nos jours, traite de l'apparition de l'Antéchrist (Dajjal) et de Gog et Magog (Yajuj et Majuj) tel que prédit dans le Saint Coran et les Hadith. L'Auteur montre comment ces prophéties ne sont pas des histoires fantastiques, mais plutôt des prédictions exactes des évènements actuels rédigés en termes métaphoriques.

Ce livre, particulièrement pertinent au vu des conflits et de l'agitation mondiale présents de nos jours, traite de l'apparition de l'Antéchrist (Dajjal) et de Gog et Magog (Yajuj et Majuj) tel que prédit dans le Saint Coran et les ...

Muhammad the Prophet

Researched biography of the Holy Prophet. Corrects misconceptions about his life; answers western criticism. "(1) Muhammad The Prophet (2) The Early Caliphate, by Muhammad Ali, together constitute the most complete and satisfactory history of the early Muslims hitherto compiled in English" — Islamic Culture, Hyderabad, India " ... He has now produced a biography of the Prophet of Islam in English ... It is not only Muslims who should feel grateful to him for the publication. The book should, indeed, give greater gratification to the English-speaking non-Muslims, whom it gives an opportunity of knowing the truth about the life and personality of one who is admitted on all hands to be the greatest reformer in the history of the world." — The New Orient " is written in an authoritative and interesting fashion, and from a historical point of view will be well worth perusing by adherents of religions other than Islam." — The Civil and Military Gazette, Lahore, Pakistan

The book should, indeed, give greater gratification to the English-speaking non-Muslims, whom it gives an opportunity of knowing the truth about the life and personality of one who is admitted on all hands to be the greatest reformer in the ...

L'Islam La religion de l'humanité

Ce livret de Maulana Muhammad Ali, le célèbre traducteur du Saint Coran, est peut-être l'une des meilleures courtes présentations de son œuvre la Religion de l'Islam. En l'espace de trente-cinq pages, Maulana Muhammad Ali offre une rétrospective concise mais pourtant complète de l'Islam. Les sujets traités dans le livret incluent la signification du nom Islam et quelques-unes de ses caractéristiques distinctives telles que la croyance en tous les prophètes, l'Unité de l'Humanité et l'origine commune de toutes les religions révélées de Dieu. L'auteur fait un compte-rendu succinct mais minutieux des principes fondamentaux de l'Islam comme le concept d'Être Divin, de Révélation Divine, de Prophètes, de Vie après la Mort, le concept des Anges et du Diable, et la signification de la Croyance. Les institutions de la Prière, du Jeûne et du Pèlerinage (Hajj) sont présentées non comme de purs rituels, mais plutôt comme des actes significatifs d'adoration qui, faisant office de fondements pour des actes de bénéfice à l'humanité, favorisent le développement spirituel. L'importance de la Charité (Zakat) et sa signification sont soulignées, et de fausses idées sont dissipées quant aux sujets de préoccupations tels les Droits des Femmes, et la valeur du Jihad en Islam.

Ce livret de Maulana Muhammad Ali, le célèbre traducteur du Saint Coran, est peut-être l'une des meilleures courtes présentations de son œuvre la Religion de l'Islam.

The Religion of Islam

Comprehensive and monumental work on the sources, principles and practices of Islam: a) Sources of Islam, its essentials and doctrines -- The Holy Quran, Hadith, Ijtihad and Ijma b) Principles of Islam, Iman (Faith), Attributes of God, Angels, Revelation, Revealed Books, Prophets, Finality of Prophethood of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, Life after Death, Taqdir, etc. c) Institutions and Practices of Islam: Prayer, Zakat (Charity), Fasting, Hajj (Pilgrimage) Jihad, Apostasy, Social Relations (Marriage, Property, Inheritance, etc.) Food, Penal Laws, the State, etc. Detailed index including an index of Arabic words and phrases.


History of the Prophets

Deals with the lives of the prophets as they are given in the Holy Qur'an. The chief object is to remove the prevailing misconception that the Holy Qur'an takes its narratives from the Bible or Jewish and Christian traditions. For this purpose narratives in the Holy Qur'an are contrasted with their versions in the Bible or Jewish and Christian traditions. It will be found that wherever previous record has cast a slur on the character of a prophet, the Holy Qur'an has invariably vindicated it. The Holy Book has further brought out facts which enhance the moral value of these narratives and removed defects and contradictions which have found way into sacred history due to manipulation of facts or carelessness in recording them. This affords the clearest evidence that Divine Inspiration and not any previous record or tradition was the source from which the Prophet obtained information. By doing away with the profanity of sacred history, the Holy Qur'an has rendered immense service to the Bible itself. This is in accordance with its claim.

... Anjuman Ishaat Islam (Lahore) USA, All rights reserved. Published in eBook
format by Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore USA Converted by eBookIt.
com ISBN-13: 978-1-9342-7116-2 No part of this book may be reproduced.

The Living Thoughts of the Prophet Muhammad

Brief biography of the Holy Prophet, and his teachings. Reviews: "The Learned author tells in superb style about the Holy Prophet- his mission and his achievements" — The Civil and Military Gazette, Lahore, Pakistan "so beautifully done by Muhammad Ali ... Should form part of the education of every person who aspires to know the life career of a great historical personality" — Times of Ceylon

... MUHAMMAD Maulana Muhammad 'Ali © Copyright Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'
atIslam, Lahore, USA First Edition — 1947 USA Edition — 1992 E-book Edition
— 2011 Published in eBook format by Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore ...

Introduction to the Study of the Holy Qur'an

This extremely useful book deals with subjects necessary for the understanding of the Holy Qur'an such as the division and arrangement of the Quranic chapters, rules for Interpretation, the Theory of Abrogation, Relationship of the Holy Qur'an to the Sunnah (the practice of the Holy Prophet Muhammad), Relationship of the Holy Qur'an to Earlier Scriptures, the Unity of God, Divine Attributes, Life after Death, Paradise and Hell, Revelation, History of the Prophets, etc.

Copyright Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at Islam, Lahore, USA First Edition — 1936
USA Edition 1992 E-book — 2011 ISBN # 978-1-934271-21-6 Published in
eBook format by Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore USA Converted by ...