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Kumpulan tulisan dalam buku ini memberikan gambaran yang amat keren dan mengagumkan, mengingat betapa tangguhnya para pelaku UMKM dalam menjalani situasi sulit dan amat tidak mudah dilalui. Banyak hambatan dan tantangan, namun optimisme untuk selalu beraktivitas merupakan indikator dari dari kegigihan serta ketangguhan. Ada dua kata yang tergambar dari sebagian tulisan yang ada, yaitu perubahan dan kreativitas. Kesediaan untuk menikmati situasi perubahan merupakan sebuah bukti bahwa proses adaptasi dijalani dan niat untuk tidak pernah menyerah pada kondisi yang ada. Perubahan adalah sebuah keniscayaan dan harus dijalani dengan penuh cara penyesuaian. Kreativitas dan inovasi adalah isi dari proses penyesuaian. Hanya dengan mengembangkan ide-ide baru dan cara-cara baru, maka penyesuaian itu menjadi bermakna. Ide baru ibarat sebagai terobosan atas keterbatasan yang ada. Cara lama tentu tidak mungkin dilakukan, cara baru mampu memberikan peluang untuk menuntun organisasi bisnis, dalam hal ini UMKM, menemukan peluang dan kesempatan untuk tetap bertahan.

Kumpulan tulisan dalam buku ini memberikan gambaran yang amat keren dan mengagumkan, mengingat betapa tangguhnya para pelaku UMKM dalam menjalani situasi sulit dan amat tidak mudah dilalui.

Foundations of Software Engineering

Rather than using UML or other formal notations, the content in this book is explained in easy-to-understand language. Basic programming knowledge using an object-oriented language is helpful to understand the contents of this book.

Exploring the Convergence of Big Data and the Internet of Things

The growth of Internet use and technologies has increased exponentially within the business sector. When utilized properly, these applications can enhance business functions and make them easier to perform. Exploring the Convergence of Big Data and the Internet of Things is a pivotal reference source featuring the latest empirical research on the business use of computing devices to send and receive data in conjunction with analytic applications to reduce maintenance costs, avoid equipment failures, and improve business operations. Including research on a broad range of topics such as supply chain, aquaculture, and speech recognition systems, this book is ideally designed for researchers, academicians, and practitioners seeking current research on various technology uses in business.

Including research on a broad range of topics such as supply chain, aquaculture, and speech recognition systems, this book is ideally designed for researchers, academicians, and practitioners seeking current research on various technology ...

Pure: Memoirs of Sex, Abuse, and Addiction

Pure: Memoirs of Sex, Abuse and Addiction takes a look at the topics of Sex, Physical and Mental Abuse, and various addictions and puts them in a reality style format- leaving it up to the reader whether to determine if they are reality or works of glorious fiction.

Pure: Memoirs of Sex, Abuse and Addiction takes a look at the topics of Sex, Physical and Mental Abuse, and various addictions and puts them in a reality style format- leaving it up to the reader whether to determine if they are reality or ...

The Lilitu

The Best of Sundari Prasad

Madelaine sat down at the inlaid table and looked into the eyes of her confidante. A smile was on her friends face, but tears glistened in her eyes. They had both realized there was no other choice, but goodbyes are as small deaths, and the grief at the table was tangible.A dark dance in a lush garden of prose overshadowed by luminous specters clothed in the guise of short stories and poetry, The Lilitu are more than the children of the Hebrew Goddess Lilith-an outcast of Eden. Author Sundari Prasad's prose not only resonates, but it lives and breathes in these pages. Much like demons that tell their tales, these words want to be read.Torrid fantasies and nightmares come to life with full force, from a vampire's memories of times long gone, to a woman's romanticism of her harsh abuse at the hands of her husband. The Lilitu is a collection of deep, haunting, and wanton spirits of writing that will not be easily forgotten.

The Lilitu is a collection of deep, haunting, and wanton spirits of writing that will not be easily forgotten.

The Carrion Files

Dark Poetry from the twisted mind of Poetess/Author Sundari Prasad. carrion early 13c., from Anglo-Fr. carogne, from V.L. *caronia "carcass," from L. caro "meat." carrion (kaerien) - n 1.dead and rotting flesh 2.( modifier ) eating carrion: carrion beetles 3.something rotten or repulsive [C13: from Anglo-French caroine, ultimately from Latin caro flesh] Words brought to you from the blessed Carrion bird (and author's totem spirit)...the Crow- these are the Carrion files

Dark Poetry from the twisted mind of Poetess/Author Sundari Prasad. carrion early 13c., from Anglo-Fr. carogne, from V.L. *caronia "carcass," from L. caro "meat." carrion (kaerien) - n 1.dead and rotting flesh 2.( modifier ) eating carrion: ...

The Split Brain

For individuals struck with the disorder, schizophrenia is a life-shattering event which curtails careers, breaks up families, forfends any possibility of financial stability, leads to severe physiological, psychological and social impairments, and, in many cases (up to 15% of schizophrenics according to some studies) to death through suicide (APA, 1997; Carter and Flesher, 1995; Wyatt, et al., 1996). Schizophrenia's impact reaches beyond just schizophrenics and their immediate families. This is for the families and the search for meaning in the madness.

A Study of Heavy Metal Contamination in Roadside Soil and Vegetables

Environmental pollution of soil, plants and deposits around highways endanger urban environment through heavy metals as the byproducts of vehicles and urban industries along with other pollutants.Due to a slow traffic movement and long stops, tires undergo comparatively more abrasion due to repeated brakes and this intensifies, zinc discharge and lead releases from automobile fuels, all of which are being factors that increase the metal contents of runoffs of roads.The transport pathways and effects of these heavy metals depend on arrange of physical and chemical properties including pollutant concentration, the size spectrum of heavy metal containing particles and the chemical form in which the metals occur.In the present study we have seen the effects of heavy metals on roadside soil quality and plant nutrition in Agra District (The City of TAJ MAHAL). The values of the heavy metals have been compared with results found by other investigators in various countries worldwide.

Environmental pollution of soil, plants and deposits around highways endanger urban environment through heavy metals as the byproducts of vehicles and urban industries along with other pollutants.Due to a slow traffic movement and long ...

Heavy Metal Stress in Plants

From Biomolecules to Ecosystems

Heavy metal phytotoxicity has been known for more than a century. Not until recently, however, has research confirmed the immense damage by metal pollution to plants, the soil and ultimately to humans. This completely updated and enlarged second edition gives a state-of-the art review of both field and laboratory work on heavy metal phytotoxicity.

Metal. Removal. from. Sewage. Sludge: Bioengineering. and. Biotechnological.
Applications. T.R. Sreekrishnan1, R.D. Tyagi2 1Department of Biochemical
Engineering and Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New
Delhi ...