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Past Reflections, Future Directions

This book explores men's ambiguous relationship with intimate caring work within a context where carefree and nurturing expectations for men are competing for influence.

Kisah Sukses Bisnis Barbie

Belajar dari Keberhasilan Ruth Handler Mendirikan Bisnis Boneka Terbesar di Dunia

Bayangkan, dalam satu detik, dua buah Barbie terjual di seluruh dunia. Barbie memang icon mainan anak-anak perempuan--bahkan wanita dewasa--di seluruh dunia selama lebih dari 50 tahun. Ia merupakan mainan terlaris sepanjang masa. Sebuah pencapaian yang tidak main-main. Namun, kesuksesannya diwarnai oleh perjalanan panjang jatuh bangunnya seorang Ruth Handler. Sebagai pendiri Mattel Company, salah satu perusahaan mainan raksasa dunia, dia sempat didepak. Belum lagi keterlibatannya dalam kasus penipuan, kematian sang putra (inspirasi tokoh Ken) karena AIDS, hingga perjuangannya melawan penyakit kanker payudara. Semua itu tidak mematahkan sosok Ruth yang dikenal sangat ambisius dan bertangan besi untuk menjadi sang pionir dan master entrepreneur sejati. Buku ini ditulis berdasarkan penelitian, wawancara eksklusif, serta cerita-cerita yang tidak pernah dipublikasikan sebelumnya. Inilah kisah yang sangat menggugah tentang seorang wanita imigran yang mengubah bisnis dan budaya Amerika selamanya. [Mizan, Hikmah, Bisnis, Inspirasi, Indonesia]

Bayangkan, dalam satu detik, dua buah Barbie terjual di seluruh dunia.

Principles of Economics PDF

Principles of Economics 6th edition combines microeconomics and macroeconomics into one volume for students who take a full years course. The latest edition of this text continues to focus on important concepts and analyses necessary for students in an introductory economics course. In keeping with the authors philosophy of showing students the power of economic tools and the importance of economic ideas, this edition pays careful attention to regional and global policies and economic issues  such as climate change and resource taxation, the impacts of the ongoing global financial crisis, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, monetary and fiscal policy. Accompanied by CourseMate, comprising flashcards, graphing workshops, games, quizzes, videos. Access to Search me! referring students to the online Search me! database. Aplia is available with this text.

Accompanied by CourseMate, comprising flashcards, graphing workshops, games, quizzes, videos. Access to Search me! referring students to the online Search me! database. Aplia is available with this text.

Principles of Macroeconomics

Shortlisted for 2009 Australian Educational Publishing Awards.Showing the power of economic tools and the importance of economic ideas, this forth edition of Principles of Macroeconomics continues to focus on what is truly important for students to learn in their first macroeconomics course.With an engaging approach to the study of the economy, the text returns to applications and policy questions as often as possible, encouraging students to relate ecomonic theory to their own experiences. Designed for students in Australia and New Zealand, this new edition incorporates contemporary topics such as the effects of the US sub-prime market, increased trading with China and India, the RBA, interest rates and monetary policy. Comprehensively revised and updated, the text enables students to understand the important foundations of economic analysis in a practical real-world context.

Showing the power of economic tools and the importance of economic ideas, this 4th edition of Principles of Marcoeconomics continues to focus on what is truly important for students to learn in their first macroeconomics course.

Principles of Economics

Principles of Economics 5th edition combines microeconomics and macroeconomics into one volume for students who take a full yeara s course. The latest edition of this text continues to focus on important concepts and analyses necessary for students in an introductory economics course. In keeping with the authorsa philosophy of showing students the power of economic tools and the importance of economic ideas, this edition pays careful attention to regional and global policies and economic issues a such as climate change and resource taxation, the impacts of the 2008 global financial crisis, inflation, unemployment and interest rates, monetary and fiscal policy. Accompanied by CourseMate, comprising flashcards, graphing workshops, games, quizzes, videos, and integrated with a study guide. Access to Search me! referring students to the online Search me! database. Aplia is available with this text.

Accompanied by CourseMate, comprising flashcards, graphing workshops, games, quizzes, videos, and integrated with a study guide. Access to Search me! referring students to the online Search me! database. Aplia is available with this text.

The English in West Africa, 1691-1699

The Local Correspondence of the Royal African Company of England, 1681-1699

This completes Robin Law's highly acclaimed edition of the letter-books of the Royal African Company, the most substantial body of source material on English trade in West Africa in the late seventeenth century. The correspondence provides massively detailed day-to-day documentation of local operations and interactions.

Perhaps may be some expencesse about this unlooky [= unlucky] bussines to
gett people to look after the Factory (for we did expect the French were comeing
to take the Factory), and yett as little as possible could be. The King is resolved to

The English in West Africa, 1685-1688

The Local Correspondence of the Royal African Company of England 1681-1699

The letter-books of the Royal African Company of England, which have never previously been printed, cover the period 1681-1699. The original texts are being published in full, with extensive explanatory commentary, in three or four volumes. This second volume contains the letters for 1685-1688.

As to Captain Carters bussiness and news of a pyrate, I shall not give an account,
but reffer your Worship to his letter.9 1 hope he is safe. Here I am at present much
better then I was. We are in want of broad tapseiles, sheets and black bafts, ...

German/English Business Glossary

This is the essential reference companion to all who use German for business communication. Containing over 5000 words, this handy two-way A-Z glossary covers the most commonly used terms in business. It will help you to communicate with confidence in a wide variety of situations, and is of equal value to the relative beginner or the fluent speaker. Written by an experienced native and non-native speaker team working in business language education, this unique glossary is an indispensable reference guide for all students and professionals studying or working in business where German is used.

business n Geschäft (-e) nn to go out of business Konkurs melden business
address Geschäftsadresse (-n) nf business associate Geschäftsfreund (-e) nm
big business Großindustrie nf business consultant Unternehmensberater (-) nm ...