Sebanyak 7 item atau buku ditemukan

Observations Introductory to a Work on English Etymology

by which designation the low districts on both sides of the Alps would have been
clearly distinguished from those of the mountains; and such was probably the
origin of the Wallis or Valais of Switzerland. The same indefinite term might
readily ...

The new pocket dictionary of the Italian and English languages, corrected by A. Montucci and revised by P.N. Rabaudy

(in poetry) a smith, forger, inventai ', tabbri siamo noidelle miseria nostre, we are
the cause of our own misfortunes. Fabuleggiare, to recount, at compose fables.
Fabuloso, adj. fabulous. Faccenda,/.' bussine$s;ht faccen- da, to be in bussiness.

The New Pocket-dictionary of the Italian and English Languages by C. Graglia. With a Compendious Elementary Italian Grammar

Ballata, a donne , a ballad, qual ballata , tal sonata, to give like for like: fornir la
ballata, to make an end of' any bussines; guidar la bali lata, to have the
management of a thing. Ballatoio, т. a gallerv. Ballatore, and Ballerino, m. a. '

The New Pocket-dictionary of the Italian and English Languages by C. Graglia. With a Compendious Elementary Italian Grammar

Fabuleggiare, to recount, ór сот— pose /ables. Fabuloso, adj. fabulous.
Faccenda,f. bussiness; far Рассеи— da, t0 be in bussiness. Faccendiere, rn.. an
active man ‚ a busy body. Faccenduzza,f. small business. Faœente, adj. active,
busy,brisk ...

The New Pocket-dictionary of the Italian and English Languages

Fabuloso, aay. fabulous. Faccenda,/ bussiness;far faccen- da, to be in bussiness.
Faccendiere, m. an active man , a busy body. Faccenduzza,/". small business.
Faccente, adj. active, busy, brisk. Faccetta, / facet. Facchinaccio, m. a mean

The Principles of Mechanics

Designed for the Use of Students in the University

When two bodies sustain each other, the pressures in opposite directions must
be equal, otherwise motion would ensue ; and if motion be produced by the
excess of pressure on one side, the case coincides with that of impact*. When
one ...