Sebanyak 119 item atau buku ditemukan

Elementary Computer Programming in Fortran IV

Digital computers - FORTRAN; Numbers and specifications; Computer components - FORTRAN statements; H (hollerith) P, and G specifications - carriage control; Formats - T specification - unformatted input/output; Arithmetic operations, expressions, and statements.

Digital computers - FORTRAN; Numbers and specifications; Computer components - FORTRAN statements; H (hollerith) P, and G specifications - carriage control; Formats - T specification - unformatted input/output; Arithmetic operations, ...

Konsep manajemen Indonesia

Seminar Konsep Manajemen Indonesia, 3-5 Juli 1979 di Jakarta

Segi-segi, pola dan tipe kewirausahaan dan organisasi/manajemen serta unsur
individual yang dominan dalam suatu kerangka sosial harus dipandang dari segi
ini. Dalam kertas kerja ini kita meneliti masalah kewirausahaan di Asia ...

Inventory of federal energy-related environment and safety research for FY 1979

74537 Test Commercially Available Sensors, Samplers, and Systems for Field
Applications. ... A second report describing the methodology, developed software
, and other operational details will also be published to provide an operational
monitoring tool for assessment of lake water quality ... The objective was to
establish the present state-of-the-art of technology for unattended in situ water