Sebanyak 129 item atau buku ditemukan

Generative Approach to the Phonology of Bahasa Indonesia

This is clearly shown by items b and c below. Although the penultimate syllable of
the last three stems (2. 29:')a, 5a, 6a) is not stressed, the placement of stress in
words derived from the stems (of. 2.29:4b,c;5b,c;6b,c) is on the penultimate ...

Department of Defense Appropriations for 1981: Budget Preview by Sec. of Defense

The time required to build and test an interceptor is a variable and is dependent
on the objectives desired. ... For distributed DP systems as will be required by
LoAD, the state-of-the-art is just maturing. ... The current sizing estimate for the
total LoAD software is 1.2 million machine language instructions which requires
about ...

1977 census of service industries

Geographic area statistics

Commercial photography Commercial art Other News syndicates Employment
agencies Temporary office help supply ... testing laboratories j CB-73C Kind-of-
business titles Kind-of-business titles BUSINESS SERVICES-Continued Other ...

BUKU DIARSIP: Prinsip-prinsip dan Dasar Statistik dalam Perencanaan Kesehatan

Teori ekonomi dan penerapanya di Asia: Ekonomi makro dan ekonomi mikro

kesempatan untuk mewujudkan pendapatan nunimun untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan pokok keluarganya, hasil-hasil dari model-model pengambilan
keputusan di bawah keadaan penuh risiko dan ketidakpastian dapat dijadikan
tolok ukur untuk ...