Sebanyak 186 item atau buku ditemukan

The Economics of Information

A collection of essays on the theory of information as an economic commodity includes discussions of statistical methods, property rights, and economic planning

The members of an economy — the firms, the consumers, the investors, and the
government — make choices. ... The opportunities available to a firm might be all
the technologically feasible combinations of inputs and outputs, in the present ...

Keputusan Menteri Sosial Republik Indonesia, nomor 07/Huk/Kep/II/1984 tentang pola dasar pembangunan bidang kesejahteraan sosial

Ketua Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan di Jakarta. 9. Ketua BAPPENAS. 10. Dewan
... Sekretaris Jenderal, lnspektur Jenderal, para Direktur Jenderal dan Kepala
Badan Litbang di lingkungan Departemen Sosial. 14. Gubernur Kepala Daerah ...

Facilities planning

This revision incorporates all the significant advances that have occurred in the past decade; including advances in facilities planning, material handling, and computing technologies, as well as engineering and management philosophies. It focuses on the determination of the requirements for people, equipment, space, and material in the facility. It presents concepts and techniques to facilitate the generation of alternative facilities plans and continues to focus on generating alternative facilities plans. It also presents a variety of quantitative approaches that can be used to model specific aspects of facilities planning problems and discusses the treatment of facilities planning.

This revision incorporates all the significant advances that have occurred in the past decade; including advances in facilities planning, material handling, and computing technologies, as well as engineering and management philosophies.