Sebanyak 205 item atau buku ditemukan

Social marketing

strategies for changing public behavior

Outlines hows groups devoted to social change can effectively utilize their resources to maximize results, providing a marketing framework for social campaigning and targeting consumer groups

Outlines hows groups devoted to social change can effectively utilize their resources to maximize results, providing a marketing framework for social campaigning and targeting consumer groups

MEMAHAMI ORANG LAIN, Meningkatkan Komunikasi dan Hubungan Baik dengan Orang Lain

Kita harus berusaha agar ada hubungan timbal balik dalam pergaulan kita
dengannya. Misalnya, bila ia mentraktir kita pada kesempatan yang lalu,
hendaknya kali ini kita yang mentraktir dia. Segala budi baiknya hendaklah
dibalas dengan ...

Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants

Evolutionary Aspects

This volume provides a synthesis of recent work on evolutionary aspects of metal tolerance in plants. It presents contributions from scientists with a wide diversity of expertise. It covers the evolution of heavy metal tolerance in groups of plants, fungi, and protists. The book discusses the physiological, genetic and molecular aspects of metal tolerances. It deals with the evolution of populations in metal-contaminated environments. Several chapters include tolerance in animals in order to place the rest of the book on plants in proper perspective. This publication is an exciting addition for scientists with both applied and basic interest in metal toxicity and tolerance. It is of importance to those in vegetation ecology, land reclamation, agronomy, physiology, population ecology, ecological genetics, evolutionary biology and molecular biology.

This volume provides a synthesis of recent work on evolutionary aspects of metal tolerance in plants.

Journal of undang-undang

... Mexican government applied to have the writ set aside, claiming sovereign
immunity. The State Department made no representation in court as to the
question of immunity,41 leaving the way open for a judicial determination of the