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Peranan bank perkreditan rakyat dalam pembangunan daerah

studi kasus mengenai Perusahaan Daerah Bank Pasar Kabupaten Klaten

Role of public credit banks in regional development, with special reference to Market Bank of Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah Province; case study.

Role of public credit banks in regional development, with special reference to Market Bank of Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah Province; case study.

Peringatan untuk manusia akhir zaman menjelang kiamat

Islamic faith on the world hereafter, from Malaysian viewpoint.

Islamic faith on the world hereafter, from Malaysian viewpoint.


Early Muslims distinguished between two terms for prophet : nabi , a generic Arab ... Allah ( the messenger of God ) , which became the more common term for Prophet Muhammad and a key element in the shahadah , or profession of faith .